Slowly But Surely

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I felt bad coz the last chapter was sorta short 😃

TW: brief mentions of suicide

AnnaLeigh Malfoy

It was breaking me.

Slowly but surely. I had woken up in his bed and when I fell asleep on the floor in his arms. We just sat in silence. Nothing was said between either of us but I felt as though everything that needed to be spoken, was.

When I woke I was alone. This time I had woken to myself, on my own accord and not because of Elora. The smell of pancakes and bacon filled upstairs. I figured that he was in his kitchen. I got up from bed and wondered into Elora's room to find that she wasn't there.

Draco had her?

I walked around the hallway and into his kitchen where he indeed was. He had Elora sat in her carrier. She was on the bench so she sat just below his level.

I leaned against the door frame and just watched as he spoke to her in such a gentle manner. Making her crack small smiles, like he used to. I stood there for about 5 minutes until what he said caught me off guard.

"Daddy's little girl" he leant down and kissed the lightly on the forehead before he turned around back to the stove and spotted me.

"Good morning" I laughed as he nodded. I walked past and and to Elora "Good morning my baby" I said in a small baby voice as I meant down and pressed a peck to her nose "Did you-"

"Change her diaper? Yes. I know how to look after a kid" he chuckled as I nodded and lifted her off the bench, placing her back down on the table.

"Did you feed her?" I asked as I clip up a forgotten button on her clothing.

"I found a bottle of milk in fridge so I gave her that and used some for the eggs" he shrugged as I burst out in laughter. He turned and stared at me confused.

"Y- You... did what!?" I laughed uncontrollably as he rose an eye brow "D- Draco... that's my... that's my breastmilk!" I laughed in between words as I watched Draco's face grow pale "You cooked with it!?"

"Well fuck" he cursed as he turned around and took the eggs of the stove.

"I cannot believe you actually cooked with my fucking breastmilk, Draco!" I laughed some more, not being able to calm down as he frowned.

"Why is it in the upstairs kitchen, Anna?" He crossed his arms as I took deep breaths to try and control myself.

"It's the closest to Elora's room. So I don't have to walk all the way downstairs when she cry's in the middle of the night" I shook out my last laughter and finally calmed down "Fuck that's the funniest thing I have heard in a hot minute"

"Hmmm ok" Draco but his bottom lip to suppress his own laughter "Ok I'll admit... that's a little funny"

"You hear that El? Daddy used mummy's breastmilk in the eggs" I turned and looked down at her as she cooed. I looked back to Draco who tensed as though I didn't just hear him call her 'daddy's little girl'.

"Still gonna eat them tho" Draco shrugged as i scrunched my face.

"Actually it might be good for you. Won't taste the best but you can try. On the other hand I will have those pancakes" I smiled as Draco drew me a plate with some pancakes "Can I get some-"

"Lemon tea?" He said as he poured me a cup and handed it to me.

I furrowed my eye brows as I accepted it. How could he have known it's my favourite if he doesn't know who I am to him? I shrugged and took a sip. It was just the way I liked it, two sugars and no milk.

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