Yellow Roses

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As a welcome back gift I'm blessing y'all with this ^^

AnnaLeigh Malfoy

"We are not naming our child Ethel, Draco" I rolled my eyes as I slumped down onto the couch next to him.

"Its my grandmothers name" he shrugged as I stole the bowl of chips off him. He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Your poor grandmother" I fake pouted as he rolled his eyes. I laughed and tossed a chip into my mouth.

It was a month until I was due to pop. I thought I was big before, Holy fuck look at me now. It was true what they said about being pregnant with Baby girls. They steal all your beauty and absorb all of your fucking nutrients. It wasn't easy being pregnant with her, she pushed and kicked in all the places she shouldn't have. Draco and I had been getting more and more stressed as the day neared.

Every little groan and contraction I had he would freak and ask if we needed to go to St Muggo's. It was cute how fussed he was. He had spent the entire weekend baby proofing the manor, there was not a sharp corner in sight.

"Hello! Pause your fucking, I have entered the house" I pressed my lips into a thin line as Draco rolled his eyes. I patted him on the leg and struggled to stand up as I went to meet her at the door.

"Be nice" I whispered to Draco before I took off to the foyer.

"Where's Draco?" She asked as she closed the door shut with her foot. She had hands full of shopping and gift bags. Just like she had every time she visited.

"In the living room- and Lani again with the presents" I chuckled as she smirked and dumped them all onto the floor by the stairs.

"Kehlani Jr deserves to be spoiled" she smirked as she placed her hand on my belly.

"Kehlani Jr?" I questioned as I raised a brow. She looked back up to me and nodded.

"Yeah" she said simply "It has a nice ring to it dont ya think?"

"Fucking no" I scrunched my face as her mouth fell open in fake hurt.

"How dare you?" She said as she dramatically placed her hand over her forehead.

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the lounge room as I heard her laugh behind me. I sat back down on the couch next to Draco who was eating the chips. For some reason that made me wanna rip his head off.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy-"

"Not to fear! I brought your fav" Khelani handed me a bottle of peach ice tea before slumping onto the arm chair next to us.

"You're a fucking life saver!" I moaned as I snatched the bottle from her and took a large sip.

"That's a sound I haven't heard a lot of recently" Draco whispered into my hear as I nearly spat out my ice tea.

Draco and I's sex life has been somewhat non existent for about a month. As I neared the date it just got harder. I no longer had time nor energy. This baby was draining everything from me and I felt so bad for Draco. But He understood as a good fiancé should and always took a shower afterwards if you know what I mean.

We are 100% prepared for this child but the one thing we just couldn't seem to agree on was a name. As you saw before, Draco was never a help in deciding.

"Anyways Guys, wedding preps?" Kehlani asked as I groaned.

"Don't he just stopped-"

"She wants yellow roses! Who the fuck has yellow roses at a wedding!? I'll die before I wear a yellow tie, Anna" he complained as I sighed and put down my tea.

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