As soon as i opened the door i wish i hadn't because standing right there, on my front porch was Evan.  "Hello kitten. Miss me?" he asked with a voice that gives me nightmares.

I gasped and jumped back before realising that me brother and Dylan standing next to him giving me funny looks. 

"Are you all right babe?" Dylan asked looking concerned.

"Shes always been weird, lets just go get some food" Matt said brushing off my look of horror and walking to the kitchen, but not before Evan slapped my ass making me jump 5 feet in the air, earning me another weird look from everyone.

"Are you sure your ok?" Dylan asked again looking even more concerned, god hes so sweet! Evan gave me a warning glare that meant i wasnt allowed to say what he did.

"W-well I j-just..." I stuttered trying to make up a good lie. "I s-saw a mouse." I finially managed to sit out. It was a terrible lie, but they seem to believe it and keep walking to the kitchen. I was just about to turn around and go to my room, when Evan gave me a knowing smirk that made my skin crawl. 

I ran up to my room trying not to freak out, but couldn't help it. I mean Evan knew where i lived! He was in my house right now hanging out with my brother and probably becoming friends with him!! Know that he knew where my house was he could come in any time, even at night for me. I used to think that i was safe at home since he didn't know i was here, but now im not safe anywhere. 

I could hear them laughing downstairs and the sound of his laugh was even worse. I started to hyperventilate at the thought of him being only downstairs.

Ok Holly, you need to clam down. Maybe a cold shower would help. With that thought i got up and got undressed stepping into the shower and turning on the water. The hot water felt good on my tensed muscles and they relaxed. I forgot about everything for a little while a just let myself relax and not think. I spent a long time in the shower just wasting my time, not wanting to leave, but when the water started to get cold i had to get out.

I reluctantly got out drying myself off and walked back into the room with a towel rapped around myself. I pulled on my bra and underwear but nothing else as i went to dry my hair. Dont ask me why i dry and do my hair with no cothes on, because i honestly wount be able to tell you. I just always have and i guess its a habbit.

Once i finished drying my hair i looked at the clock, it said it was 8:30 so i had just enough time to do my homework them go to bed early since i was really tiered. As i was about to pull on my pajama pants and a shirt, someone burst though the door and pinned me against the wall. I gasped in ahock and stiffened as i tryed to process what was happening. 

"Dam kitten, if i knew you never had any clothes on i would have come in earlier." Evan said with lust filled eyes.

Just then i realised it was Evan on top of me, so i tried to push him away with no luck. "You really think your stong enough to push me away" he said with a amused look on his face."Alright if you like playing rough ill go for it"

He push me against the wall harder and pulled my hair hard while making out with me.i refused to kiss him back at first until he pulled me hair so hard i swear it was about to be ripped out. "Kitten you make me soo hot!" he whisper-shouted in my ear while rubbing his very hard boner against my leg.

Suddenly he pulled away still looking at me with lust before pulling me out the door. "Wait where are you taking me? Let go!" I screamed yanking my arm from his. I cant believe my brother cant hear all this noise.

"You brother is at Dylan house" he said as if he could read my mind.

"Well where are you taking me?" i asked even more fustrated.

He stopped and looked me right in the eyes "My place. I wasnt gonna take you yet, i wanted to tease you a while first, but you look so sexy right now i just cant resist" he replyed raking his eyes over my body.

I stated to really panic then, thinking of any way to stall him while tears welled up in my eyes. "What about my clothes? Shouldnt i get dressed first?" I asked trying to walk back in my bedroom.

"Trust me kitten, you look better this way" He smriked pulling me out the door, with me sobbing and trailing behind him.



Sorry for not uploading for a couple days so to make up for it i made this chapter longer.

Did any of you guys see this coming? I hope not cuz that would make my story predictable and bad.

Anyway tell me your thoughts and please Vote/Fan/Comment!! :D

The picture in the external link is one of dylan! :D

<3 Alexis4815 

With those words i started to panic

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