We had our last night in Fiji last night. We all went out for dinner and tried to make the most of this luxurious place. I know that kehlani was right about one thing, I didn't want to go back to reality either. This holiday had been probably the most stressful but relaxing thing I have ever done.

I didn't wanna go back to London and have to face everything else. I didn't want to stand in trials, stand in front of the ministry or face Scorpius again. I just wanted to raise Elora, be with Draco. All of the shit cramped into my Shitty reality is what I didn't wanna come home to.

But I didn't have a choice.

"Packed everything?" Draco asked as he picked up my bag from the ground.

"Yeah. Mine and Elora's things are in that one, yours are in the one already downstairs" I did as he shortly nodded and tossed the black bag over his shoulder.

"We're catching plan?" Albus asked as I just shrugged. It didn't really bother me, taking a plan would give me more time to think over what I'm gonna do when I get home but I just couldn't get on a plan, I didn't have the energy for it.

"We can apparate but I have to give Elora and Kehlnai a potion since Elora is go young and Kehlani is pregnant" Draco said as I nodded my head slightly, giving him a small smile to not seem upset that we were leaving.

"Let's do that then. I don't think I can do jet lag again" Kehlani groaned as Draco reached down into his pocket and pulled two vials out, one with a shimmering green liquid and one with a deep orange liquid.

"Here, drink it all" Draco said as he handed Kehlani the orange vial. She nodded and without a second thought she popped open the cork and tossed it down her throat.

"Ugh— ew" Kehlnai's face scrunched up in disgust, sticking her tongue out of her mouth as she tossed the vial on the floor "That was so bad"

"Where's Elora's? I'll give it to her" I said as he handed it  me. I turned around and picked Elora up from her nursing chair, sticking my pinky finger in her mouth to part her lips as I ripped off the cork with my teeth and slowly poured it into her mouth.

Her tongue stuck out, licking the outside of her lips before she released a small cough.

"Ok, are we ready?" Draco asked as I put Elora back into her chair and picked it up in my hands.

"I am" I sighed, realising this is it, I was going home "Oh— wait. Accio Draco's bag" I mumbled as his bag appeared in front of him "Now we are ready" everyone else nodded as we grabbed onto Draco's arm.

In the flick of his wand the world spun, my gut dropping as I held onto Elora's chair tight. Because we were apparating so far away it would take a few more seconds then usual for us to land until my feet finally hit the ground, stumbling to catch my balance as I immediately looked down at Elora to see if she was ok, and she was.

"Woah—" Kehlank threw her hand over her mouth and held her stomach before running upstairs to the bathroom.

Home sweet home.

"I'll put the bags upstairs" Albus mumbled as he got another bag of Draco and headed up stairs in the same direction as Kehlani. I looked around at the dark and clammy walls that I'd grown to find comforting.

The smell of fresh parchment and food was welcoming as I found myself wondering into one of the many living area's.

"Are you ok?" Draco asks "I noticed how upset you were just before. I know you didn't want to leave" he said as I just nodded, placing Elora's chair on the lounge before scooping her up in my arms.

"I'm fine" I said, hugging her close to my chest.

"Well, I do have something to tell you" he rolled his bag of his shoulder and onto the floor before sitting on the back leather arms chair that sat next to the fire "The ministry contacted me just before, they identified who assaulted you"

My eyes went wide, Boyd going cold and hands starting to sweat. I had distracted myself so much from this, tired to pry my mind from it so much that I almost forgot it even happened.

"Who— who was it?" I said in a small voice, not even facing Draco.

"It was the same guy. I don't know how he came back, I don't know—"

"How did I not recognise him?" I said as more of a question for myself. I was mentally bashing myself for not realising, for not knowing.

"That's just it. He was using a delusion charm. To those who have seen him before he appeared to be a different person but to those who haven't, he stayed the same" he explained as I shook my head "I'm sor—"

"Don't. It's over and I don't want to think on it anymore. I just wanna move on, please can we move on?" I begged. I was never one to sit on major things, let them consume me utterly but lately they have been getting over me and I couldn't handle it.

"Yeah, we can" he gave me a small smile as I silently thanked him "Let me take Elora so you can go rest, you need it"

I smiled again, standing to hand her over to Draco.

He was right, I was in desperate need of a good nights sleep.

There are so many ways I could end this.

Word count 1628.

𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐬;𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲~𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz