Deku X Eri (Cursed)

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⚠️TW: Pedophilia, unsettling/uncomfortable⚠️

Suggested by @smutbookwriters

It was finally the weekend, a day where I could relax and take it easy. Today I was supposed to be looking after Eri. Eri was such a beautiful young girl, I adored her. Her sweet little giggles were so rare to hear but when I did hear it it made my heart skip a beat.

I was making my way over to her room, when I had the brilliant idea of getting her flowers. I used my quirk to get to the shops faster and since her favorite colour was red I decided to buy her roses. As I walked round the shop I decided to get her a bunch of things she loved.

My cart was full as I payed the cashier. I walked out and raced back. I reached her door and gently knocked. I heard a sweet innocent voice on the other side say "Come in". I opened the door and saw her sitting on the end of her bed, her pure ruby red eyes looked into my emerald ones. I smiled and shut the door and placed my shopping bags down. "Hey Eri" I cooed.

I walked over to her as she just looked at me confused. "Deku, what are we doing today?"
I discreetly licked my lip and went back by her door and grabbed her bags. "Well puppy~"

She flinched at my nickname for her, I rolled my eyes in anger. I walked back over to her with the shopping bags and placed them next to her. "I got you a lil something"

Her eyes lightened up "T-Thank you!" She said. She rummaged through the bags and pulled out some fresh red apples, roses, chocolates, hair accessories and more. She smiled and began smelling the roses. I watched as she closed her eyes and breathed in the aroma of the plants. I watched satisfied with my work of making her pleased.

Then she went back to the bag and confusion fell upon her face. "W-What's this?" She pulled out a revealing red outfit. Something a stripper would wear at a bar. I laughed and said "Oh silly, it's a new outfit just for" I booped her nose "you! Plus it's your favorite colour"

She didn't want to seem rude so she laughed it off. Her angelic voice was music to my ears I could watch and listen to her laugh for ever. Just as I was about to help her into the outfit, Mirio along with All Might and Aizawa burst through the door.

"I knew it! You disgusting fucking bastard!" Mirio yelled, I was shocked since Mirio never said harmful words. "I-It's not what it looks li-"

"Eri has told me why she was so afraid of you but I didn't want to believe it" he looked away then faced me again "Why Deku? I thought me and you were gonna train to be No.1 heroes" Mirio said with sadness and anger.

"Y-Young Midoriya, I expected so much better from you. But THIS" he pointed towards myself and Eri "is NOT what a Hero does" 3
Police Officers stormed into the room and handcuffed me. A light growl came from me, Mr Aizawa was speechless along with All Might.

Mirio couldn't even look at me, he was too busy trying to comfort a crying, scared Eri. "Your all Pathetic" I muttered under my breathe as I was taken out of the room. On the way to the police station I couldn't stop thinking on the different variety of ways I could get Eri back. Just wait and you'll see, she WILL be mine...ALL MINE!!!!

All that could be heard was the maniac laughs escaping Deku's mouth as the police car drove off into the distance...

Don't forget to Vote! This was very unsettling to write and it is VERY cursed. This one shot was suggested, I didn't think of this one. Hope you all have a great day/Night 😅

587 words

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