Prologue - Uneasy

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My name is Daisy and as we all know there is an unexpected uneasy feeling that remains after your best friend has gone missing. I am 17 and 2 1/2 years ago my best friend went missing and she is presumed dead. She and her boyfriend went missing. It is thought that he attacked her then left. I believe a different theory. I believe that he killed her and then himself. This is my theory and it is extremely unbelievable I know trust me, I have been to the police to talk about my theory, they shooed it away like a cat with fleas. So I have been left alone to investigate this case, and that is exactly what I plan to do.

My life with Alex was never going to be perfect. We were young and free. Unlike her now, probably in a six foot hole. Anyway it was a half decent life. We ate ice cream and shoplifted, we were a confusing duo. One good one evil. Who was the witch? Who was the Princess? No one knew except me and her. All metaphorical of course but... It was fun to live the dream.

I suppose I am a tad weird, I moved into a house on the edge of the town, in the forest, in a black house. My parents kicked me out after I started up my theories. They knew he(her boyfriend) was on drugs. They thought they knew why. But they didn't. How could they though. They didn't know him, they didn't grow up with him and watch his family leave him at 13 deciding he could live alone in a musty old flat with no heating or gas. They only know their young daughter who is obsessed with death and her friend's unsolved case. They know their weird daughter who is now living on the edge of the woods; where the police think Alex was killed. They think that I am better off alone. They think I am a girl in Depression, someone they can disown in less than a year.

They think I am the witch, the girl who killed her Best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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