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"Shit handled?" Dex raises a graying brow as I enter the large open room we use for church. An unlit cigarette hangs from his mouth as he takes his place next to the largest chair.

I nod again unable to stop that goofy ass grin from taking my face over. He smiles back at me but for the first time I see something new in that old fucker, regret. I don't say anything as I take my seat to his left leaving the center two chairs open but I am sure that is what it is. What could he regret?

"She agree to be your old lady or you too chicken shit and didn't ask?" Dex grumbles out tauntingly as brothers begin to fill the room. "Been holed up in your room long enough for an answer, right?"

"Barely even noticed." I laugh.

"Shits different when you are in love." Dex goes quiet and shakes his head. Something is definitely bothering the old man. He seems to be deep in the past as he stares off in space for a moment, eyes moist but not daring to release a single drop.

Gear, our mechanic, decides that is his cue to barrel into our conversation. He was fresh back from a ride and grimy, his brown hair fluffed and eyes tired. Gear however never needs an excuse to be a dick so he opens his mouth. "The fuck I come home to? Deviant found a magic pussy? Fuck…girl got to be crazy to think you could change. Fucking walking std…"

Abyss stalks up, looking every bit a monster, and takes his seat silently beside me effectively quieting the idiot we call brother as Grim walks in from his office. Gear lowers his head and retreats to his seat, knowing better than to act a fool in front of our president. The chatter around the room ceases, everyones eyes forward.

Grim leans down for a moment, hand on my shoulder, quietly asking, "She say yes?"

I nod as he pats my shoulder. Grim laughs and shakes his head before straitening up and putting on his serious face. No longer friendly but deadly and angry. Something that is strange every time I see it. 

"Listen up boys!" His voice is firm, his eyes scanning over our members. "Something has been brought up. The club whores tell me Penni is up to something, she is angry with us for kicking her to the curb. Word is she has been trying to recruit help with a particular thorn in her side.." He glances at me, crinkling his dark brow. "We know she has at least three out of towners with her, plus some hired thugs they brought. Was told they showed up at Hogz last night, made a scene. Eleanor says one of them she recognized. Man used to go by Defiler, real fucking bad news."

Dex is up and pacing, chewing his thumb nail as he curses under his breath. It is strange to see the older man so agitated. He waves for Grim to continue as he lights a smoke, normally smoking wasn’t allowed here.

"Defiler had some problems with Hellfire in the past. Even prospected for my Da in the nineties. Shit happened and he was stripped and removed. He knows things most of us probably don't bout old shit." Grim continues, his accent changing as he gets more aggressive. "Problem is when you look into the man…Static?"

Static scrambles forward, laptop tucked underneath his arm. He is the youngest patched member and the best tech guy we could have asked for. Wiry and tall, shaggy hair held back with a clip, he would almost look innocent if not for the scar on his brow from being pistol whipped or the cold look in his eyes. He nods at Abyss before shooting me an apologetic glance.

Suddenly I really don't feel good about where this is heading. What is going on?

Static slips the connector in the port and a picture is immediately projected on the wall. A man in his fourties glares from the center, flanked by two other photos. I can hear Ice hiss angrily. He sees it too.

This man has the same nose, the same eyes. The other two as well. A family resemblance.

"This is Defiler… there is a reason he might look familiar to some of you." Static starts, not even looking up as he clicks away. "Couple months back Deviant's girl took down his son outside Hogz. Same fucker we were supposed to handle. Daddy is pretty pissed."

I hit the fucking table, hard. Abyss eyes me but doesn't go to move or stop me, not that he would unless ordered. 

"There is more.." Static looks both worried and pissed. He hits a button and another photo pops up, simular looking man, but not the same, in a orange prison jumpsuit. Mug shot, pretty recent. "This is Defiler's brother, John Beverly.…currently serving time for arson after dodging some…other, more severe, charges.  Up near Spokane.  He almost killed the..home owner."

My gut twists hard. Home owner? Had I ever gotten a clear response on where Hex had lived before? Had I even asked? Shit.

"Defiler has tried shit in the past with us, during my Da's presidency he attacked a club party…killing some of the club whores, injured some members.. was bad." Grim's eyes trail to his vp who is vibrating with anger. "It was unforgivable."

Dex is out of the room, slamming the doors behind him as we stare slack jawed. Our VP has never left a meeting. There has to be something behind his anger but not one of us but Grim know the answer. 

"We are not loosing another would be old lady." Grim growls lowly as he hits the table, returning the attention to him. Shaking his head he smiles widely. "On a better note, Deviant here found himself a real old lady! A girl willing to deal with all of that shit he carries round and tries to solve with his dick."

Cheering, laughter. 

"But we got to do our job. Protect whats ours. Penni is after Deviant's old lady." Grim pauses and looks at me. "Thinks it should have been her title." 
The proclamation makes my heart jump in my chest, dread setting in. The arson charges, it clicks in my head and I growl lowly. I don't know how that bitch Penni did it but these are the men that hurt my woman. I am on my feet as thick, tattooed arms come around me to restrain me.

"Tell me that bitch isn't this dumb!" I demand looking at Static then Grim. I know I look desperate but I don't give a fuck.

Both just shake their heads.

"She is fucking dead! Dead!" I scream feeling the strain in my throat. 

"What the fuck man?" Gear asks, looking good and confused. I know he has spent many a night balls deep in Penni, hell she made it around almost the entire club.

I can't even answer as I begin to think of all the ways to make these men suffer. My body relaxes at the thought and I chuckle. I will have to thank Penni before I kill her, I can kill all these monsters now that she brought them to us. My woman won't have any monsters left under her bed.

As I laugh those near me back away, not wanting to risk me exploding. What they don’t know is that if Abyss weren't holding me I would have already fallen to my knees. Right now I am grateful for that, I am not ready to look weak.

"What the actual fuck man?" Gear tries again.

"Those are her fucking rapists." I hiss out, deflating as I do. "My fucking woman.."

"Don't worry man, we got your back." Static says before bringing up another image. An overhead view of a warehouse off the highway. "This is where the assholes are holed up. They've had a few deliveries, pizza mostly but otherwise it is quiet…"

Grim picks up where Static trails off. "I got Trigger out watching the building with Myth and Sin. Looks like they brought about a dozen underlings with them besides Defiler and his brothers. We are gonna hit them tonight, take care of this before it becomes more of an issue. Noone comes on our turf and gets away with threatening our family."

There is a round of shouts and agreement before the double doors creak open and an earpiercing shriek sounds from the bar. No one moves for a moment, to stunned by the fading sound and the smug look on Dex's face to question it. 

"What is going on out there?" Grim demands finally.

Dex laughs and motions us to follow him. "You won't believe this shit.."

Charming Hex :hellfireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora