Party? (2)

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“On behalf of Luciana and Johnny I would like to thank everyone for making it to this gathering. Tonight we are here to celebrate this lovely couple…” the older male speaker gestures to the couple behind him as the spotlight moves to illuminate them.

Luciana is dressed in a flowing red dress that shows her golden skin off, her bleach blonde hair is pinned up behind her. She is glowing with joy as she looks down her nose at the people she has invited, standing she snatches the microphone and lets out a giggle.

Behind her Johnny sits with a stern look on his face and a tall beverage in his hand, a glazed look in his eye. His tie is haphazardly on and  his hair is a mess. He watches Luciana as she begins her theatrics.

“Hey bitches.” Luci snaps into the mic as she throws back her head in a laugh that fills the hall. “So I bet you are wondering why we invited you all, other than to bask in our love. Johnny and I have been together for almost a year and a half, as many of you know. We met in the bar one night. I was fresh back from a symposium in Paris and he was fighting with his ..ahem.. girlfriend. I bought him a few drinks as he told me that the girl he was dating had been raped at a party a few weeks before…”

My chest tightens. This is what she chooses to tell the entirety of our family, her friends, and her work colleagues, plus all the people who know Johnny and therefore know damn well who she is talking about. Damn, she really does hate me.

“Johnny told me that after she was raped he couldn’t look at her the same way, she was disgusting. Nothing but a used whore.” She turns to look at me and smiles wickedly. “Poor Johnny felt like he needed to be there to support her through her trauma, that since he loved her  he should stick around and continue seeing her. To me it didn’t matter, they didn’t live together. So I went home and fucked him that night. Luckily, she wasn’t the type to party much so I could take him out and show him off and she was none the wiser, he was busy with work after all…”

I take a deep breath trying to turn off whatever it is I am feeling. Adrian is keeping me grounded with his arms wrapped tightly around my middle and between him and the whiskey I am able to not breakdown at her words. I really, really want to hit her though.

“About seven months ago she caught us and oh my god, was I relieved to finally get the ugly bitch out of the picture. Johnny is mine. We belong together.” People actually cheer for her at this but its mostly her friends. “About two months ago Johnny and I found out that we are going to be parents, twins. And tonight Johnny has something special planned to show me, and all of you, just how strong our love is.”

Luciana gestures towards Johnny who looks deep in thought, the spotlight coming as a shock to him before he manages to gather himself. He stands before robotically walking to join her, grabbing the mic from her hand. He scans the hall with a slight smile on his face.

“I want to thank you all for coming. I am very excited to be sharing our joy with all of you.” He bends down before Luciana. “Luci Ollett I..I love you, and here I am, down on one knee to ask…” his eyes dart around before landing on me. “Will you marry…fuck.” He stands and turns to her and hisses, “Your sister really…”

I wince and I feel Adrian pull me back into his arms, nuzzling against the nape of my neck. I know he understands exactly what is being said yet he still just tries to help me stay strong. Whispering reassuring things against my ear as the drama unfolds before us.

My mom, however, is full on gawking at the spectacle before her. I know that she is putting things together in her head and probably coming to the correct conclusions, she is a smart woman. She isnt blind to what kind of woman Luci is. Ava is just a flirt, Luci is actually mean spirited and would pull this on her own sister.

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