Secrets And Lies Chapter 17

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While Hugo was saying goodnight to Marc, he heard eli getting out the shower going  into their bedroom and getting ready for and into bed, Hugo come through into their bedroom after he said goodnight to the kids and marinette and started to get ready for bed himself as well, and wanted to know himself why eli was always late home from work too these 3 months and also noticed eli has been a bit distance from Hugo and the kids too

Hugo: Hey honey, I see you're back from work, and how was work?

Eli: it was ok,it's just busy, that's all *getting into bed*

Hugo: I see.... You seem to be always late coming home from work. These lasted 3 months *getting into bed*

Eli: I told you I have been busy at work, this it why I been late, ok?

Hugo: I see... But you don't have finished work until 4.45pm, so we're was you after you finished work for them 2 hours

Eli: You sound just like your mother. She was questioning me as well about my where I was *signed*

Hugo: I am just wondering where you were, that's all,and the kids were wondering as well. Besides, you forgot to get daisie a costume for her school party this week

Eli: am sorry I snapped honey I am just a bit tired that's all from working I didn't tell you this I have been visiting my mom the last 3 months to make sure, she ok because she not very well at all, oh no I forgot all about that completely it was daisies party at the school this week

Hugo: oh right I see why didn't you tell me you was visiting your mom, how its she feeling today then,its ok my mother going to make a costume for daisies party this week for daisies school party and she doesn't minded doing it either.

Eli: she feeling a bit better this week she had a cold virus but she feeling much better now, that's nice of your mom to do that for daisie I will thank her in the morning, when I see her

Hugo: Oh, I am glad she is feeling better now, I know being in that mental institute (mental hospital) doesn't help her out at all. Being where with all the rest of the patients that suffers with menta health issues as well I know she been in and out of that mental institute for years now, do you think she will ever leave that hospital for good?

Eli: yeah I know she has,I hate seeing her in there,it always upset me everytime I go and see her, this it's why I don't take the kids as much to see her either now, with her being there I do think it scares the kids when they go to see her anyway *signed*I don't think she will ever get out that mental institute I never knew why she went in there in the first place anyway she never told me at all.

Hugo: Aww, right... I see. I thought she would have told you why, anyway, she gets out one day, you see *leans over kisses eli cheek, and turns over lays down*goodnight honey.

Eli: Yeah... One day *signed*goodnight *turns over, lays down, and switches the lamp off*

Cat noir appeared in Hugo and eli bedroom and stood near the window and heard everything and knew eli was lying to Hugo about it and wasn't happy at all

Catnoir: Hmm... She lying to you, son. lila told her years ago why she was in there. It was all because she was obsessed with me, trying to be with me and nearly destroyed my marriage as well. You found out soon, I promise, son, I granted it.
Meanwhile, in marinette's bedroom. Marinette was on her phone to her and adrien friend's son and asking him where eli has been this 3 months after work, too as well tikki and plagg notice what marinette was up to something want to know what it she was up to.

Marinette: *on the phone* Hmm... I see Warren, so my daughter in law it's lying. Then I thought so, where was she then this time.

Warren:your daughter in law was at a hotel with a other man that's not Hugo, and they looked very cosy as well when I was watching them together that's where she been the last 3 months as well after work sorry marinette *onthephone*

Marinette: *on the phone*it's OK Warren I suspected she was up to something anyway, thank you for your help,I appreciate it how's your mom doing it's she ok, I heard your dad passed away last week I am so sorry for your loss tell your mom (mylene) I send my regards ok, your dad was a good person.

Warren: *on the phone*it's not a problem at all, marinette I care about Hugo and the kids he its a good friend, when are you going to tell Hugo, what elis up to

Marinette: *on the phone*I will tell Hugo when the time it's right Warren don't worry he will know all about her and what she been up to as well.

Warren: *on the phone*OK then,I will tell my mom (mylene) you send your regards thank you,I will let you know when the furneal it's, she staying with me for a while anyway so she not on her own. I have to go now. Goodnight marinette

Marinette: OK then, goodnight Warren *ending the phone call*

Tikki: What was that all about marinette, and why contact mylene's son Warren?

Marinette: mylene and Ivan son Warren, it's a private investiager he been following eli for the last 4 months to find out what she has been up to and where she has been going after she finas well

Plagg: What did you find out about marinette and what she been up to as well? *eating his cheese*

Marinette: Warren found out that eli has been going to the hotel after work with another man who's not Hugo and has been getting cosy, etc, as well, so Warren and I think she is cheating on Hugo

Tikki&plagg: What!! *looking at each other*

Tikki: So she has been cheating on Hugo for these last 4 months. Why? Hugo, it's a lovely person just like adrien . Why cheat on him?

Plagg: I knew she was up to something, and I understand why you and adrien never trusted her at all now
Tikki:Are you going to tell Hugo about eli and what she has been up to. Hugo deserves to know about it, marinette

Marinette: I will tell you Hugo when the time right, besides I want to make sure I have enough evidence to prove she has been cheating, oh Hugo, for sure

Plagg: OK, marinette, just be careful. You know what, eli, it's like *eating his cheese*

Marinette: I will do, guys, don't worry. I am four steps ahead of her anyway

Tikki: it's OK if I go to see alisha and stay in her room tonight, marinette? Only to see if she is still awake

Marinette: Sure, tikki, just don't stay up too late now with alisha she has school in the morning, and of course, you can stay in her room tonight as well. Just let me know you are staying with her, OK

Tikki: Sure thing, marinette, see ya in the morning. Goodnight, plagg *leaving*

Plagg: goodnight sugacube, see you in the morning. Good night marinette *going to sleep with his cheese*

Marinette: Goodnight, guys *switching the lamp off and going to sleep*

After marinette and everyone went to sleep.plagg wake up and  felt a aura and knew who it was so he went back to sleep,it was Cat noir,cat noir appeared smiling and see that marinette was asleep and walk over to her bed and sat opposite marinette and kissed her lips and forehead.

Catnoir: Goodnight, my bugaboo. I hope to see you soon.

Marinette: plagg, close the window it's gone a bit chilly, please *asleep*

Plagg: *thinking himself*I wish I could, but I can't.ok marinette

Marinette: Thank you, plagg *asleep*

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