Chapter 11

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The next morning. At her small double door window balcony, with her eyes closed, Alexa feels the light gently warm breeze as it flows through her wavy hair, wearing Klaus's long sleeve shirt, her undies, and baring her legs.

A shirtless Klaus, wearing his pants, slowly walks up behind her and gently wraps his arms around her waist. She opens her eyes.

"Genevieve phone called you last night, didn't she?" asked Alexa.

"Yes. How did you know?" asked Klaus.

Alexa turns around and looks at him. "Even though, I was asleep, I can hear."

"I may have a plan to turn Genevieve back into a witch." Klaus says, with a mischievous grin. "I'm gonna need your help."

"Sure." Alexa says.


Alexa's Outfit

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Alexa's Outfit

In the ballroom, Klaus, Alexa, Elijah, Skylar and Rebekah are sitting on the sofas.

"We need a plan to turn Genevieve back into a witch, but how?" Skylar asks.

"Genevieve is half vampire. I can extract the vampire serum from her with my Faerie powers. Without harming the unborn fetus." Alexa says.

"Fetus?" Skylar says.

"Genevieve is pregnant my child from our brief relationship." Klaus says.

"Oh, great." Skylar says.

"How are you gonna extract the vampire serum from Genevieve?" Rebekah asked Alexa.

"I can put her to sleep." Alexa says. And looks at Klaus. "I'm gonna need some help getting Genevieve here at the Mikaelson Home."

Klaus grins.

A few minutes after . . . .

Genevieve slowly walks inside the Mikaelson Home to see Klaus sitting on the sofa.

"Hello, Klaus. Have you come to your senses about what we discussed on the phone?" Genevieve says.

Klaus looks up at her. "I'm not gonna leave Alexa for you. I love her."

Genevieve snickers, and slowly walks up to him. "You know nothing of love, Klaus. And our baby is growing within me. Don't you want to have a baby?"

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