"Im sorry."

Nayeon suprise to hear that out from his mouth, Scoups not always serious with his words about mistakes he made. But she always take it as jokes and never made it trouble on their relationships.


"I said, im sorry."

"But you not do any mistakes."

"I did! I wasnt supposed to think bad about you and pulled your bag from behind. Also ignored you for a weeks just because small things. I know im being immatured here and yeah im sorry again."

She chuckle and show her pinky finger made Scoups face her and were stun by her smile.

"So, zero - zero?"

He chuckle back like her and intertwine their fingers together before pull her into his embrace hug.

"zero - zero."



Jeongyeon didnt know that his leggo is behind her when she busy vaccum his room. She accidently bump behind her and before Jeonghan can save his leggo, its all too late.

She was about to say sorry but Jeonghan quickly dash out from their dorm and didnt even bring his phone. Jeongyeon quickly gather back the leggo and hold her tears as she feel guilty by her clumsy action.

"Jeongyeon noona?"

She raise her head and was welcome by Jun. She pouted that almost show taht she wanna cry made Jun panick. He quickly knelt down and try to console Jeongyeon when he also dont know what to do.

"H-hey! What happend?!"

"Jun! Eottoke?!"


"I accidently bumped my back and before me and Jeonghan can save his legho, its already shattered! What im gonna do now?!"

Jun scratch his hair and scan the leggo that Jeongyeon said. He sigh and sit properly to help Jeongyeon about Jeonghan leggo.

"Dont worry, its just pikachu leggo. It wont take too long to built back. I will tell Joshua to console Jeonghan back."

He stand up for a while and tell Joshua everything. He then come back to Jeonghan room and help Jeongyeon built back the leggo. Meanwhile Joshua out from dorm and he know where Jeonghan hiding when he in bad mood or maybe sulking.

"There you are!"

"If its about Jeongyeon, i dont wanna hear."

Joshua scoff and take his seat beside Jeonghan who throw the rock into the sea where they now at beach. It placed near Seventeen dorm but Jeonghan had his own spot at beach so no one can find him but Joshua know him most including Scoups.

"Come on! It was an accident"!

"But she should have careful!"

"Dude, its just pikachu leggo and it takes half an hour to built back. She even try to fix it with Jun helo and you know what? Just because of that small leggo, you upset? And blame her clumsiness? What if you accidently ruin her thing? Will she do the same like you do now? Or maybe other way?"

Jeonghan groan in defeat. Even Joshua is soft spoken, but his words is smart. What exactly Joshua said are all on point. He even once brainwashed Seungkwan for being rude to his sister, Jihyo. But after all they are sibling and Jeonghan situation is between relationship.

"Fine, you win! I will console her!"

"Console? Huh, hahaha! Why you need to console her?"

"Because i left her after she accidently destroy my leggo."

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