Chapter 2

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A/N -

So obviously this will be an AU so here is something you need to know about Meredith, she did go through with Neuro (because derek was a bitch about it, mer obviously has a talent for neuro but derek really made mer change specialties because of his damn ego and i somehow still hate him for that— lets not forget the ShEphERd mEthOd bs) so with that the alzheimer's trial did not happen. Btw... thanks for google translate lol I'd like to learn french but this will do for now

Disclaimer -

I don't own Grey's Anatomy, I only own some OCs


Meredith's friends, tired from a very hectic day at work, all piled out of the car, missing the cab that contains their blonde friend. Cristina was there instead of going home to Owen, since the two were still fighting over the baby she chose not to have. One by one they entered the house, which was quiet, nobody thought much about it though as everyone, except for Meredith who has the day off, was at the hospital for their last shifts as residents.

Cristina immediately went up the stairs to check on Meredith, considering the last few days were hard for her person with all the McDreamy drama that has been happening. "Mer stop sulking and get your ass out of bed!" Cristina said as she walks down the hallway to Merediths's room expecting to see the blonde in bed probably crying or hung over. "You won't believe who was called for a consult today, yeah Satan!" What she didn't expect to see was a messy bed with no Meredith. "Meredith? Meredith!" Called out Cristina as she walks to the ensuite bathroom, but still no sign of Meredith. Walking back inside the room she notices the closet door was slightly open, and suddenly she felt nervous and Cristina Yang never gets nervous! She's cardio surgeon who recently passed her boards with flying colors for crying out loud!

But something about the half empty closet and the lack of her person's presence unnerved her. She quickly looked around the room and saw the framed post-it note in the trash can. "Shit." She muttered. The dark haired woman looked under the bed, only to see that the suitcases that were stored there were missing. "Shit Meredith Grey you better not have ran away—" she said while opening her phone to call her person, only to be cut off by Lexie's frantic call from downstairs "C-CRISTINA! GET DOWN HERE!".

Rushing down the stairs and in to the kitchen, she saw Alex, and Lexie huddled over a piece of paper. Their faces showing different emotions, mostly shock, sadness and disbelief. Cristina quickly went and reached out for the paper that may or may not have the answers to all her questions. She took a seat on one of the chairs and read the letter that was obviously written in haste.

Dear Cristina, Alex, and Lexie,

Hey, by the time you're reading this I might be on the plane already. I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, but I know it will be harder if I personally told you. So I've decided to accept the fellowship somewhere far from Seattle, I wont tell you where, well not now but probably when I'm ready. Don't worry I'm safe and I'm fine. I know this seems like I'm running away, but I know this is what's best for me. I can't stay there where every time and everywhere I look I see them, I see him. It's hard enough to see him in the hallway after what he's done, what more if we share an OR... and what more if their child is born. I can't be there, and I'm sorry that I left you guys, but it's too much. There's nothing left for me in Seattle aside from you guys, and besides you guys might go to other states as well for your fellowships...or i don't know. I cant be the poor woman who got cheated on by her husband, that the nurses will gossip about.

Anyways I've already informed the chief, but please don't pester him about my whereabouts, I'll tell you when I'm ready. I promise to call when everything is settled. For the house, you guys can stay there don't worry about it. Cristina can use my room, especially if she's avoiding Owen. I trust you guys to keep the house in one piece. Let April and Jackson stay as well if they want to. I really am sorry for leaving like this, but I cant be there anymore. I love you guys and I will surely miss you. Cristina you're still my person, don't ever doubt that. Evil spawn this is not me abandoning you, I just really need to find myself. Lexie, you're a Grey so don't give up okay? I'm not sure when I'll be back or if I'll even come back, but know that when I'm ready, I'll be one call away. I'm sorry again and take care.

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