I quickly ran over to catch up with them, "Sakura! Tazuna-san!" Upon hearing my voice they turned around.

"Oh, Akiko! What are you doing here?" her eyes were a bit teary, perhaps she felt sorry for the villagers as well.

"Kakashi sensei told me to find you guys, if you guys have bought what you came for, we should head back." They nodded and we began to leave town.

Sakura and I were making small talk, talking about what we did while we were separated when there was a commotion down the street. As we approached, we noticed 3 men inside a shop threatening the shopkeeper. And everyone else who was passing by either made sure they were as far away as possible or merely acted as if they weren't seeing it.

"Oi, I'm not saying this again. Give me all that you have!"

"No, please! This is all that I can give you! My daughter is sick and she needs medicine! Please!" the shopkeeper was pleading desperately, he was even crying.

However, the ninjas merely batted him aside and went forward to loot everything they could.

"Why is no one helping? Who are they?" Sakura clenched her fist, looking at Tazuna-san who adjusted the brim of his hat lower.

"They're the Akiyama Clan ninjas we were talking about on the boat here. We should hurry up and leave, we shouldn't cause any more trouble." Tazuna-san tried to pull Sakura away but I stopped in my tracks.

"Akiyama?" Tazuna-san stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me and gulped, "Sorry Akiko, um what I meant was Akiyama clan imposters."

"Not the main point. So what, nobody is helping the guy out because everyone is afraid??" I spoke loud enough for the passersby to hear, they did and quickly walked away.

I'm not going to let them get away with this, and maybe I might even get some info.

"Tch, Sakura back me up, we're helping this guy." I walked into the shop hoping Sakura would follow. I took out a few shurikens from my tool pouch and threw it at the men, missing them on purpose and hitting the wall behind them.

They stood up slowly and turned to me. "Huh? Who are you?" "Shop's closed for now kid, go somewhere else."

"Ahhh, miss, you should definitely get out of here! It's not safe!" The shopkeeper immediately ran over to try to shoo me out, but I just placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled "Daijoubu, I'll take care of this."

"You guys are just big bullies huh, going after the weak. Why, afraid you can't win if you didn't?" I could hear Sakura wince behind me, I know taunting them isn't a good idea, but it feels good.

One of the men who I presumed was the leader stepped up to me, "'Last chance, kid. Get your friend and leave or you'll be sorry - Hm?" His eyes widened slightly after taking in our appearances, "Ohh, I see. You're both ninjas from Konohagakure huh?" he smirked and beckoned his men to come forward.

"Let's teach these brats to keep their nose out of someone else's business boys."

"Hmph, you can try." I quickly whipped out a kunai, spinning it with my finger before clutching the kunai's handle and scratched the ninja's cheek before kicking him hard on the chest, causing him to fly backwards out of the shop and crashing into a tree outside. Just so you know, no I'm not that powerful enough to send them flying so far back, I was standing pretty near to the shop's door and they came towards me so.....

The passersby immediately screamed and dodged when they saw someone flying out of a shop. "Ah, Akiko! Look out behind you!" I heard Sakura shout and I instinctively ducked down just as a few men tried to punch me. I used their momentum to my advantage and quickly grabbed the underside of their arm and pushed them forwards, enough to get them out of the shop.

Naruto, the 4th member of Team 7जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें