Jake...From State Farm

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The bell rung, time to leave this hell hole called History Class.

I gathered my things and headed for the door until I was forced backwards by a tall figure.

It was him.

Locker Boy.

I didn't know I had any classes with him. How could someone miss someone like that. I don't get it but then again I usually sleep in here anyways.

My eyes quickly gazed to eyes, over from one feature to another then back to his eyes as I scanned from his chest, up. Gosh he was so beautiful. I must I've stood there with my jaw laying on the floor, because he interrupted my daydreaming. Loser.

"So you can drool but I can't ?" He smiled but yet he seemed serious.

I waved it off. "No one was drooling, especially over someone like you."
He can't know I'm attracted to him.

"Really cause it kinda looked like it to me."

"And what exactly tells you that Mr. Know-it-all." I took at step closer.

"That fact that you looked at me like I was Justin Bieber stripping." He did that little smirk that I loved so much.

He did have a point...
But cmon on, let's face it. Justin Bieber is sexy as fuck.

I didn't know how to answer. I could say something but with my "smart mouth" it might push him away, like I'm snobby. It's not like I like him or anything, that I would actually care about what he thinks of me...right?

I was too blinded by the form of his lips to continue thinking of a response.

He noticed I was watching them and bite them. Lowering his eyes and hands reaching towards my waist.

Oh lord.

His touch was ridiculously irresistible. He watched my response. I shivered and closed my eyes like I was under his spell.

Cmon Riley, you don't find him attractive. Lies. Lies. Lies.

My eyes had widened. What are you doing? You barely know him?

I opened my mouth but no words came out. I stepped around him. Surprisingly he didn't block me. Yet, I felt his stare as he watched me walk away.

"Ms. Smart Ass!"

I heard someone calling down the hall behind but there was no way I turning around. Not from what just happened with me and him.

"HELLLOOOO?" It was getting louder.

I paused and realized that voice was Jenny.

Oh no. Please don't come. Just keep walking Riley. My mind said to keep walking but my legs did exactly the opposite.

I really wanted to avoid the whole "party night" conversation with her. We agreed after school so I'm hoping it'll wait.

She caught up to me.

"I see you've been avoiding me."

"Me? Oh. Haha of course not why would I ? I mean it's not like I'm trying to distance myself from you." I smiled awkwardly. I couldn't let her know that I was nervous.

Nailed it.

"Right." She trailed.

I stayed silent.

"Well um, I'm kinda skipping period. Wanna come?" Shaking her car keys in front of me.

"Jenny I don't know...." I trailed as well. "Depends where we're going."

"Jake's." She coughed to cover the name.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I heard you correctly..." I put my eyebrows together as if I was confused on what was going on and stepped closer to her with my arms crossed on my chest. "You said Jake, as in Jake from State Farm, Right? "

"Oh, Riley." Putting on a fake smile. "You're so hilarious." Grabbing my shoulder as if she was dying laughing.

"Jenny I know you're faking...."

"....maybe." She smiled as if she was just an angel that was just sent from heaven.

I ignore it. She knew that I knew which Jake she was mentioning.

I stepped back, backing up to make sure she sees my facial expression.

"What the fuck. Why?"

Ew I hated that kid. Jake Dickinson.
He was Jenny's Ex- boyfriend from last summer. He took her virginity too. He only dated her to get in her pants and he even forced her to steal money from her parents when he got her drunk enough to do whatever the hell he wanted. Not only that, but he's just a hoe. Had sex with girls that were 4 years younger and 4 years older than himself. He's 17. Just take it from me, the guy's a dick. He last name suits him very accurately. You'll see.

"Just give him a chance." she was pleading. She never pleads, her attitude was just as shitty as mine. You'll see that later on too.

"Why is it so important we ditch school to see...that thing." Yes. I really despised him. With a burning passion.

"Cmon." Getting ahold to my arm. "He's having like a hookah get together with a couple of friends at his house. It'll be fun I promise, and if not I promise the moment you say you wanna leave, we'll leave." She grinned.

"And what makes you think that I'll get along with his friends..." I stared blankly at her.

She let go of my arm and checked her surroundings. As if people were really in the hallways after the late bell rung 15 minutes ago.

She looked one last time and came close to my ear and whispered, " I heard that one guy you were just about swallow throats with was gunna be there."

I had to go now. Not because he was there. To make an "entrance". Not like I wanted his attention...

Really, I didn't.

"What? Who are talking about?" My voice was getting higher as I pretended like I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Honey, I saw you by the door with him. Let's go."

She inter-locked her arm with mine and headed back down the opposite direction, to her car.

I guess I'm going.

"So..." She started. "What's his name?"

I have no idea.

"I'm not sure. He's a new friend."

Sorry it's short, just trying to keep you guys updated. Thanks for the support too guys (: you're amazingly amazing.

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