The Morning

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Mom was calling me from downstairs, I could her and my dad arguing already, they haven't been the same since a recent miscarriage . I ignored her and checked my phone that was on my nightstand. I had a lot of missed calls and about 7 text. All from Jenny.


Was all she said when she picked up her phone. Not even a hello.

"Well hello to you too hoe". I was already ignored that I had to wake up to this kind of morning, but listening to Jenny yell in my ear when I just got up, didn't really put me in a happy mood.

I could tell her face straightened and she rolled her eyes from what I called her. That's just how she is. We were close so I know it didn't really bother her.

"...Anyways, how'd you get home last night? You were so drunk last night I couldn't even keep up."

Last night we headed out to a house party, we had no idea who through it but it was a great party anyways. Everyone was dancing and signing playing beer was just amazing.

"I honesty don't know to be honest." I was puzzled. I really don't know how.

That made me stop and think. How the fuck did I get home... I had no clue. Not one single fucking clue.

"Well, Riley, next time you go into a stranger's car, lemme know." I sensed a little attitude there...and sarcasm.

I've been told that I have a smart mouth by dozens of people, but that doesn't mean I take shit lightly. There's where they get a smart mouth from, Riley.... I sighed from her comment. "Why didn't you stop me then, JENNY!" I wasn't trying to start anything, but if she saw me leaving with someone she didn't recognize, why didn't she try to stop me?

"I was kinda making out with Danny..." She trailed off.

I paused for a moment...

"Wait. What!! Danny? What the fuck Jenny?! Why would you-"

She cut me off.

"Hey hey missy slow your roll, okay? I'm not the only one who was breaking our little agreement." I heard her move around on her bed.

I sat up in my mine...What does she mean by that? I questioned myself.

I remembered... Last night at the party. I was drunk but my memory was fairly accurate. I was caught by her kissing on this new boy from our school. We made a deal that we wouldn't kiss any guy until we talked about what Jenny and I had did earlier that night. Let's just say, we were experimenting.

I changed the topic not wanting to bring up what we did until we had to.
"Well can you come pick me up for school? I'll be ready in 20."

I hung up not waiting for a reply. I knew was she was coming.

I got outta bed, heading straight to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and put my hair in a messy bun. I didn't dress up at school, I had no one to impress. I threw on some blue jeans and a pink tank top with my converse and headed down stairs. I walked into the kitchen, seeing my mom rushing to leave.

"What have you been doing little lady, I was calling your name." Panting as she's running outta breath.

"Sorry Mom, I was talking to Jenny."

"Well I have to go before I'm late to my meeting. Make sure you pick up your mess and I left $20 on the table for pizza in case I can't make it home tonight. " She kissed me on my forehead and left out the door. Dad must've left already because I didn't seem him, plus I didn't hear any bickering.

My parents are both CEO's of popular industries, always on the rode, planning, going wherever they have to go. They're never home. Ever.

I walked out the kitchen grabbing a fresh green apple, pulling out my phone to call Jenny as I bit it.

"Down the street." She answered and with that I hung up, mentally saying ️ok.

Moments later a heard honking. I wasn't even ready I was laid out on the sofa watching Pretty Little Liars while I was waiting . I hurried and grabbed my things to go. HONK! HONK!
Gimme a second! I yelled under my breath knowing she couldn't hear me.
My phone buzzed in my back pocket.


"Riley..." at first she was calm. "IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!"

"I'm coming don't get your G-string in a twist." I smiled as I sensed her attitude.

I walked out the front door, locking it before I turned around. She looked at me as I took my time. I was moving slow purposely, watching her eyes look at me as I took ...step.

I'm just that petty.

I hopped in the car...finally.

She didn't even greet me. She asked a question that I had not prepared for. The question I wanted to avoid for as long as I could.

"So how'd I taste last night?"

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