➝ wie die sterne

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- like the stars -

~ 𝖇𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 ~

Sterne. Meaning, 'stars' in German, my first language.

Currently, I was trudging through the beaten path through the small forest outside of the training grounds hoping to escape the nightmares that would usually haunt me. My boots made crunching sounds as I stepped onto crumbs of rocks and dry mud that littered the path.

I had my hood on, so if anyone saw me, they hopefully wouldn't recognize my face and question my actions. I was also hoping to get some 'girl privacy' in the shadow of night - being cooped up in a small cabin with a bunch of testosterone-filled boys was not my favorite thing in the world.

The rest of the cadets were having a late supper now. I used the buzzing atmosphere as a hoax (if you could call it that) to escape the scene and find my own tranquility. I didn't like the rations they gave out anyway.

Ahead of me, the path came to an end. I went closer, but almost fell off, realizing it was a drop-end cliff. Rocks crumbled from where I stood and fell down with an echoing thud. Underneath was yet another forest, but of pine instead of the usual cedar I had seen on my way here.

Wispy cirrus clouds hovered silently over a huge lake that resided by the pine forest. I sat down at the cliff edge and wondered at the beauty of the night. How underestimated it was. How many mysteries it could sheath, only to be invisible in the bright light of day.

I took a deep breath. I loved it. The smell of rotten bodies and dried blood didn't fill my nostrils like they did everyday in the Underground. The air was fresh and dry and sweet, like honey on a summer picnic.

Levi, you would say that this was freedom - being able to live above ground. I feel free. Do you?

I sighed and leaned backwards, resting my head on the ground. I looked up at the moon, admiring its gleaming white glory. I closed my eyes, and let the my weight drop to the ground, my hood sprawled across the floor and my feet dangling over the edge.


I don't know when I fell asleep, but I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulder gently. I peaked my eyes open, wondering who had interrupted my dreamless slumber, before making out a large blond face.

"R-reiner?" I asked, unsure, the depth of sleep still present in my voice.

"Hey, are you alright?" He was crouching beside me. Behind him was Bertholdt and they were both also wearing hoods (albeit a green color unlike my purple one). I nodded in reply, rubbing my eyes.

It was still night, and considering the position of the moon, I couldn't have been asleep for more than an hour. I sat up groggily and looked around. Eren and Armin were there too, Eren crouching by my other side. They both smiled at me.

"Why are you guys here?" I questioned. I had made sure I wasn't followed.

"Eren was a little put off by today's aptitude test, so we came to get some fresh air after supper. Though, it seems like you found this place first." Bertholdt said, looking out at the lake. I smiled and sat up straight, clutching the cliff's edge and dangling my feet.

I felt Armin sit behind me, resting both arms on my shoulders, and Eren sat next to me. "That reminds me. After I woke up, Mikasa told me that you were practicing your balancing with Annie..."

That seemed to have caught the attention of Bertholdt and Reiner. Maybe they were jealous? I internally laughed. "Yeah. She taught me a few things, and now I can balance just fine!"

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