➝ they who sang bloody murder

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~ 𝖇𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘 ~


"YOU'RE TOO SLOW! RUN, YOU SHITHEADS!" Commander Shadis's loud voice was muffled in my ears.

Rain lashed down and we trudged down the muddy path. I had gotten used to this training - running all through the night. I couldn't hear anything other than the shards of water that fell from the sky and the pounding of my heart in my ears.

I could sense Armin was falling behind due to exhaustion. It was true - his small stature wasn't built for stamina. "What's wrong, Arlet?! You're falling behind!" Shadis's voice vibrated through the rain. "Is it too hard for you?! Do you wanna be the only one who puts down his equipment?!"

I could sense Armin struggling to breathe and slowed to down to reach his pace. Shadis wasn't done yet. "If this were a real mission, you'd be titan food already!" If it was possible, I sent him a harsh glare. He galloped forwards and away on his horse.

"Give that to me." I mumbled, grabbing Armin's backpack and hauling it over my shoulder. Sure it was heavy, but if I could provide him a few minutes to rest and catch his breath, I would. "Y'know, we're being graded on today's training."

"But now, they're gonna punish you too." He said through deep breaths.

I gritted my teeth at the extra weight on my back. "Then do your best so they won't find out! Don't make me give this back to you!"

He paused to process what I said. "I'd rather die than live as a burden!" I heard him cry. He ran and grabbed his bag off my back, slugging it on and running alongside me. This guy has such strong willpower. I smiled and shook my head.

-----shadis pov

I heard the zips of cords above me as I stood perched on a tree. I was taking notes on all of my cadets and their progress. I whizzed my head around to see a trio fighting one of the puppets.

Annie Leonhart. While her fighting skills are outstanding, she doesn't work well as part of a team, rather sticking with at most 1 or 2 people - a lone wolf.

Bertholdt Hoover. He is highly talented but lacks initiative, depending on others to take the final decision.

Jean Kirstein. His 3D control skills are top class, but his overly blunt personality, more often than not, causes friction.

I saw the 3 troublemakers silently fighting over who beat the wooden titan.

Sasha Braus. She's talented at operating unconventionally, but that talent makes her unfit for organized activities.

Connie Springer. He is skilled at making sharp turns, but his mind is nowhere near as sharp enough.

In the left corner, the quartet from Shiganshina surrounded a puppet.

Mikasa Ackerman. She's truly a genius of historically unprecedented significance. She excels at every aspect of the training - it has been a while since I've seen someone like her.

Armin Arlet. His small body is not built for rash activities, but his brain is sharper than most of the cadets of the 104th. He also has a tremendous amount of willpower, especially when under pressure.

Eren Jaeger and Elliot. While both lack any outstanding talents, Jaeger had improved all his grades through excellent diligence and Elliot outshines everyone in close combat and blade skills. In addition, both find it difficult to control their anger impulses, but that causes them to possess an exceptional sense of purpose.

There's something vaguely familiar about Elliot. In the way that he holds his blades, right hand backwards. His fingers grip the grips in a very odd way, his middle and ring fingers looping through the triggers - this often causes his index finger to get cut by the blade.

A strange, but promising, group of cadets...

-----elliot pov

"Hands upon your hearts!" Kitz's voice bellowed through the silent night. The only other sound was the crackling of torches that dimly lit the front grounds of the training camp.

Finally, we had finished our 2 year long training and were now graduating, deciding which of the three regiments we were to join. I was standing beside Armin at the front of the formation, with our hands over our hearts in salute.

"For you trainees graduating today, three paths now open before you. You can be stationed at the walls and defend the cities as members of the Garrison!" He pointed his stick at a crest with two roses.

"You can put your lives on the line to fight the titans in their own territory as members of the Recon Corps!" He pointed to the emblem of the 'Wings of Freedom' and I smirked. I was going to join them, but he made it sound a lot more horrible than it actually was.

"Or you can serve the King by controlling the crowds and protecting order as members of the Military Police Brigade!" He pointed harshly to the final emblem with the green silhouette of a unicorn. I heard people around me mumbling to each other - hopeful that they were able to join the Military Police.

"Of course, only the 10 people with top scores are allowed to enter the Military Police! Please come to the front when I say your name!

"Elliot... something! Sasha Braus! Connie Springer! Marco Bodt! Jean Kirstein! Eren Jaeger! Annie Leonhart! Bertholdt Hoover! Reiner Braun! And top of the class, Mikasa Ackerman!"

I winced as I heard the last name that we both shared. I'd have to tell her someday. I saw Armin clapping for us in the crowd - he wasn't part of the top 10, but I'm sure it didn't bother him since we were joining the Survey Corps together anyway.

After the assembly, as Armin came to congratulate Eren, Mikasa, and I, I saw Annie talking with Reiner and Bertholdt. They seemed to be arguing about something. "I'll be back, yeah?" I patted Eren on the back.

"Yeah, sure. Say 'hi' to your girlfriend for us!" Mikasa teased and the other 2 laughed. I scowled and walked away.

When Reiner and Bertholdt saw me coming, they stopped talking to Annie and talked amongst each other. Strange. I looked at Annie and she smiled at me.

"Congratulations on 4th, Annie." I said in the most half-hearted voice I could - it was hard seeing as how happy I was for her.

"Thanks... you too." She smiled and blushed, looking at her feet. "Are you going to the mess hall for dinner today?" She asked and I shook my head. "Wanna just vibe?" I nodded and we sat down on an empty bench, chatting for the rest of the night.

★ a short chapter, but don't worry your pretty little heads about it ;) stay tuned !

oh also, if you're wondering why elliot ackerman isn't top of the class with mikasa, it's because.... NAH YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE ! >:3

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