Chapter 2

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Hey guys, the picture is of Theodore, Jessie's cat.
I pull up outside my house feeling exhausted. I see my Aunties car parked in the driveway and smile. As I open my door I hear loud laughter coming from inside, causing me to jog to the house wanting to join them.

I open the door and see my mum, Aunty and Uncle at the dinning room table, eating and having a good time. My Uncle is the first to notice me home and gets up to greet me.

"Ah, Jess how are you?" he asks giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm exhausted to be honest, how are you?"

"I'm a little tired, Aunt Marie and I were up all night-"

"Jessie dear! It's good you could join us!" Aunt Marie called out interrupting him.

I'm greatfull she stopped Uncle Phil from continuing, I didn't even want to know or picture what he started to tell me. I shiver to myself and hug my Aunt.

"Where are the younglings?" I ask suspiciously. The last time I came home from doing something and they weren't here I got scared shitless.

"Um I don't know sweetie, I think they went out back." my mum answered holding back a smile. I narrowed my eyes at her and took my jacket and beanie off.

I walked towards the back door and slowly opened it. I stepped out and looked around, hearing the slightest giggle.

"Tammie" the giggle instantly stopped, "I know your out here, what ever your doing don't do it."

Tammie's my cousin, but she's more like the sister I never had. She's a year younger than me (16), we have the same personality which makes it a hell of a lot easier to bond.

I walk down the little steps and onto the grass, I look around suspiciously but don't see anything. Just as I turn around icy cold water is sprayed on me.

"What the fuck!!" I scream before using my brain and running away. Daniel starts running after me with a water gun squirting me, "Stop! Stop! someone help!"

I look around while running and see everyone coming out of the bushes with water guns. I run around the side of the house until I reach the front and hide in a bush.

Suddenly a hand is being covered over my mouth, I let out a scream but it ends up sounding like a muffled sex noise. Ew.

"Ssshh" the person says in my left ear. I turn my head and look at creepy bush man. It's Ryder. "I'm here to help, here, take this."

He removes his hand from my mouth and gives me a small water gun. "I'm fucking freezing" I stutter due to my state.

He chuckles and takes off his jacket putting it on me, "It won't do much but at least it's something right?"

I smile at him and start to feel a little warm, "Why are they doing this? It's fricken winter for Christ sakes-" I instantly stop when I hear them coming around the side.

Took them long enough.

I look across the road and see Ian mowing his lawn. I assume it's either for money or chores. Ryder nudges me in the ribs causing me to snap my head to look at him.

He mouths 'Ready' and starts counting down with his fingers. 3 okay I've got this I can do it, 2 make sure the water gun isn't on lock and 1 drench everyone.

We submerge out of the bushes with everyone's back to us. We instantly start spraying water at them, I shoot at Daniel first causing him to jump from the cold, then Tammie making her scream, also from the cold. I'm not very surprising so it won't be from my acting abilities.

We run around for ten minutes, spraying each other until I get the best idea ever. The hose! I run over to the tap but stop, as I was about to turn it on John (My eldest brother) stands in front of me.

I go to squirt him but nothing comes out. He smirks and I now know that he's been caught in my trap. Just as he goes to pull the trigger I twist the tap on and reach down, picking up the hose.

Me being the assassin I am, drop my gun and quickly start drenching him in a freezing cold water. He then, out of no where might I add, tackles me to the cold, wet, muddy floor.

That's the second time I've been tackle today, might I say it isn't pleasant. Especially when you have a 100 pound guy laying onto of you, holding you down so you can't escape and drenching you in water.

Okay so maybe I'm overreacting here about the 100 pounds, even though he's really fit it does feel like it! But obviously the college girls don't complain.

Oh ew, thanks brain for putting that disgusting image in my head. I scream and call for Ryder, after a couple seconds John is ripped off of me and chucked onto to the ground by Ryder.

I stand up rubbing my back but quickly grabbing the hose again to wet Mark (my 10 year old cousin). I hear the front door open and see mum throw out towels for us. She rolls her eyes and sighs before going back in.

I push Mark over into the mud, see how loving and caring I am? and run to get a towel. I sit down on our porch stairs and cover myself, trying to get warm.

I look over at Ian's house and see his mower still on, but he's nowhere in sight. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion but look away at my family running around laughing.

The next thing we all hear is a sound of a cat screeching and a shredding sound. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at the source of sound.

As I look I notice white fur, blood, shredded meat and a distressed looking Ian. He looks over at my house in fear and locks eyes with me giving me a guilty and concerned look.

I instantly run over to him but step on something in the process as I reach his lawn. What the hell? I move back and pick it up, it looks like a collar.

Wait, white fur, mum rolling her eyes and sighing, a cat screech, a distressed guilty looking Ian, Theodor's collar in my hands....

The bad boy just killed my fucking cat!

The bad boy killed my catWhere stories live. Discover now