"Then how come you're here?"

"Because of you, of course"

She chuckle


You recall the moments she showed you a couple of minutes ago

"Those scenarios..."

"They really happen"

She quickly replied

"At least in my world, or should I say timeline"

She added

"Why did you show them to me?"

You asked, genuinely curious, at the same time, you couldn't help but to feel pity for her. Or should I say for yourself too since she is basically you too?

"Because history tends to repeat itself, (First name)"

She smile bitterly at you

"I want you to know what could possibly happen when you make the same mistakes that I did"

For the first time, you saw the difference between the two of you. She's been through a lot, she has so many regrets, she wasn't able to do anything.

"So wake up (First name)"

"Just look at me, still living the consequence of my doings"

"Mistakes are meant to be corrected not repeated"

There was a sad smile on her lips.

She looks really tired.

So you took a step towards her, catching her off guard as you wrap your arms around her before saying.

"Alright. I'll be careful"

You said as you kept her in your embrace

"I'll keep in mind your advice and your memories"

You felt her tremble in your arms as you smile sadly

She's been through a lot.

"So take a rest"

You pat her gently at the back

"Leave this timeline to me, not just for the others sake but for your happiness and sake too"

You pull away from her

There was a small genuine smile at her face. So that's what you looks like when you smile. You look happy, rather than holy.

At the same time, your black surrounding starts to crack.

"Looks like its time"

She said, looking at you

"Well I guess"

You replied

"I should get going too"

"Where are you off to?"

"World tree"


You lit your head to the side in confusion

"The reason why I was about to talk to you in the first place because half of my or our soul became part of the world tree when I went to turn back the time"

"You did what?"

You look at her fading figure in wide eyes

"Well I did it for him, and for Athanasia I guess. Oh heavens. I said something I shouldn't have. Oh well forget it, you won't be able to remember it once you wake up anyway"

"Wait! You!-"

"Shut up (First name)"

"Wait wait wait wait--"

But your protest was cut off as the space finally break

All you could hear was,

"Selfless fool. Let's be able to be happy this time"

"Be good to Theodore too, if I have one huge regret that would be me being unab-.."

Then everything once again turn black.

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