61 | Worth Fighting For

Start from the beginning

The curtain fell from Cal's fingers like it burned; anger scorching through his veins as he stormed over to the gift boxes and hurled them over the floor. He threw a few silver chalices and knives at the high lords, who all cowered out of shock and fear.

"This is exactly why I detest you people. This is exactly why it needs to be burned down!" He roared, pointing his fingers at the lords. "I will no longer go easy on you! I'm giving your King one last chance; declare defeat and pledge his loyalty to me. Abandon these abhorrent practices and rule with ethical values that are acceptable within the Empire! Surrender now, or keep his ass glued on that throne till I come to throw him off myself!"

"Y-Your Majesty..."


"Yes, Your Majesty," Philippe rushed to his side immediately.

"Take those boxes to the refugee shelters. I'm sure the people will be pleased to have their fortune back." Throwing one last disgusted glance at them, he proceeded to leave the hall.

A moment later, Philippe found Cal standing by the corner of a wall, shaking, arms enclosed around himself.

"Tu vas bien?" He grasped Cal's shoulders and Cal raised his head, eyes flaming with horror. "Cal, tu vas bien?"

He didn't answer.


February, 1934


"I think it's a reasonable offer." The high lord who had been in the audience with Cal spoke. "We shall be prosperous if united with the Angletonian Empire."

"You sought an audience with Leroy without my permission?" The elderly Seol-il King slammed the table with his fist.

"We could get a taste of their advanced military, and the international trades as well!" another added.

"How obvious of you leeches, to latch onto another host once you sense a better deal! Tsk, tsk..." The King leered at the nobles in the courtroom. "Haven't you forgotten who has kept you so rich over the generations?"

"And soon there will be nothing left if you keep us in this state. They've conquered the border, and the nearby regions will soon fall to their hands as well. They'll reach the capital in no time," the nobleman declared coldly. "Not only us will take the fall; Your Majesty would lose your crown as well."

"You dare threaten me? How can you call yourselves my servants?"

"I would sooner serve the Emperor."

"You filthy swine! After the war, I'll have you all hanged!" The King bellowed.

"Father!" a finely dressed adolescent girl barged into the room. "Is it true that my brothers are leaving for the war?"

"Leelian," the King smiled. "Don't worry yourself with such matters. It's men's business."

"It's not enough for them to take Chacha without my permission?" The Princess scowled over at the noblemen.


"My chambermaid, she was taken to the border as a gift to that Emperor! I want her back!"

"Oh, my daughter," the King chuckled. "She is only a slave."


February eleventh marked Gigi's twentieth birthday. This time around, she assured Cal there would be no huge parties or invites, but a small, intimate celebration with the family and closest friends. She was never a big party person, and it would help a lot more with her condition, being six months pregnant.

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