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We walked up together to the hill that was deeper in the forest. It was a 7 minute and 32-second walk. Yes, I did count. Although there was an awkward silence through the walk, I stood high with my chin up. I knew he could feel the confidence radiating off of me because of how he shrunk back a little, though he covered it up quickly and I felt his confidence soar off of him. I wanted to roll my eyes at the arrogance he had...but I couldn't really say anything since I was also showing off.

Once we reached the top of the hill, I noticed how it was empty with no trees or animals. I looked up to find father grinning, "Ready to lose, daughter?"

I watched him uncertainly but then gave him the same grin and told him, "Always, father." I heard him give out a chuckle. "Fat bitch..." I mumbled under my breath. Luckily he didn't notice because he was busy flaunting his muscles. The heck? Never mind that...

As we began to circle each other again, I picked up the dagger that he had thrown at me to use. Both of ours were sharp. If you were to touch the tip, you would most likely have blood oozing out of your body. I walked slowly and watched his body movements as we waited to see who would strike first.

That thought didn't last long since father quickly lunged at me with a fast force. I jumped back and dodged the throw with an inch. He let out a growl. No, it was not a hot growl like how a book character growls in protectiveness or confessing their love...that's just gross coming from my father.

I stifled a laugh at his attempt and went full-on. I went for his legs by trying to kick him but he dodged it with a thump. I scowled and punched him in the face. Well, that was easy. Blood trickled down from his nose and he wiped it with pure fury. He then gripped his knife harder and attempted to stab me in the hip. I gripped his hand before the dagger got to me. I bared my teeth and flipped him over my shoulder so he laid on the ground.

His eyes widened as he tried to break from my grip. I actually rolled my eyes this time and kicked him in the ribs. He let out a groan and I took the dagger in my hand and started to lice him everywhere. Ahhhh the sweet taste of torture. His screams filled my ear. It was pure music. I continued to slice him but then I decided to have some fun and stab him in the arm. I stabbed him in a couple of other places, including his ~area~. Great. Now he can't have any more children that he can abuse.

Once I was satisfied with all the markings I had made on him, I stabbed him one final time in the heat. His breathing almost stopped immediately. I whispered in his ear one last time before he went away, "See you in hell father".

With that, I stood up and looked at his lifeless body with blood-covered grass and clothes. I was surprised I didn't even get a bruise. And to think he was strong. I laughed to myself like a maniac at the thought.

I skipped toward the forest, which was my favorite place. I didn't know where I would go, but definitely not the old cottage. I would probably get nightmares every night if I were to stay there, so I continued to walk forward. As I walked away from the scene, leaving his body there, I saw a shadow cast between the trees. I tried to creep closer to see what it was, but it ran away as soon as I crept forward. It must have been a deer. I shrugged it off and forgot about the scenario soon. 

Strangers in the Shadowsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن