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So basically the rest of my first week was bullshit.

Every morning I woke up just to be denigrated by Mr. Tanapon in class. To be pushed away from Sammy and to leave all my energy in the ballet class to show that bastard I was the best. Not leaving enough energy for my next classes of the day.

Besides, after Perth told me I should lose weight, I had reduced my meals and multiplied my training in the gym after classes.

I still ate a lot though, Boun would never let me not eat. He even invited me to dinner twice this week with Claudia.

I tried to avoid talking about my awful relationship with Perth. Actually, my non-existent relationship with Perth. Because well, he kept ignoring me. All the time. Like I was not even there.

Not that I expected him to love me right away, but well, at least I thought he would notice me. You know?

I followed his advice and I didn't speak to him again, also I started to focus more on my jumps. Again, draining my energy in every sequence.

I still don't understand how my muscles still respond to my brain. I'm tired and stressed. Everything hurts and he still doesn't notice me.

It's okay, Saint. He will. You're the best.

Let me say that all this stress isn't good for me, so it's not news that I used Kao more than once this week too.

But with all that I was going through, who can blame me?

On the weekend Boun, Sam, Yacht and I went to a party downtown so we could celebrate our last first week of academy. Because after all it was our last year. We should celebrate that every week.

But It was bloody awful. Worst. Party. Ever.

Yacht and Sammy took off early to his house, surprising .

Boun was spinning around with some boy, not paying attention to me, and I was too drunk to remember anything else.

I was bored, and drunk. But mostly bored.

And today it was monday again. Yey.

Three hours ahead of just Perth.

Perth. Perth. Perth. Bloody Perth.

After a cup of tea I changed my clothes and headed to the classroom. Sammy stayed at Yacht's last night too, so I was on my own.

Again , Yey.

When I dragged my tired legs to the classroom, everyone was already there, and I was fucking wonderfully late .

Again, Yey.

"Mr. Suppapong. You're late."

"I know, I'm sorry." - I said.

I walked with my head down to my spot at the back while he kept speaking.

"You're lucky I didn't start the class yet, because I wanted to talk to all of you first. Well everyone, today it's the day you've been waiting for. I'm going to announce your partners for the rest of the year. I told you all that I'm not following what your old teacher said, things are going to change around here. You'd better put up with it. We are going to be separated in two groups, males and females. One group, females, it's going to stay with me in this room. The other group is going to be with my assistant in the adjoining room. You're going to work on duets. Everything clear so far?"

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