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I walked in on the toilet and tried to wash it out.

Damn it. All I wanted was to take a break... and bad things keeps happening. That guy should've stopped drinking sooner if he knows he can't take that much. And they ran away. No responsibility whatsoever. I continued washing it out.

I sighed. I guess its okay now. I'll go home and change. I wonder if its gonna get worse than this...

I went home and got ready for bed. I slept right after I put my head on the pillow.

Next morning in the cafeteria...

Jason laughed like a monster. "Seriously?! You got puked on?! That guy should receive an award."

See? I was right. "I really shouldn't have told you guys..."

"Well, that's what you get for drinking alone! You should've come with me yesterday." Jason laughed with his hands crossed.

"Nah, seeing your face makes me sick." Jason dramatically died in front of me. "Ah! You hurt my heart terribly, Killua!" I just looked around, not even gonna answer to that dramatic 'play'.

"Just come with us tonight Killua, I'll pay for you. Not to mention we're going to an expensive place tonight." Another guy at the table added.

"Hm, depends on my mood. After all, I still need to take care of my little brother, my paper too-"

Jason abruptly cut my sentence short. "Okay! I take that as a yes." He giggled. Whatever.

I took my sling bag and put it on my shoulder. "Well, I got some errands to do. I'm leaving." He put out his phone. "I'll text you tonight! Don't ignore it!" He added, shouting. I covered my face because of how loud he shouted.

I went to the Kalluto's school and took out my phone. And it was not surprising I still hear the same whispers and bickers about me the second I stepped in the school.

Still gossiping... don't they have something better to do?

The bell rang and students started to go outside. "Bye teacher! See you tomorrow!", one of them said.

Random teacher

I gasped. Wow.. who is this refreshing face between the ladies? So handsome! And definitely my type! I should get to know him!

I started fixing my hair. It does look good right? Alright, here I go!


I saw a woman coming up to me. "Um, hello~? You're here to pick up your little brother right? I've never seen you before!"

I looked at her, confused if she got the right person to talk to. She giggled. "I'm one of the teachers here by the way! Your little brother may be one of my students!"

"Oh yeah.. maybe." A quick brief of silence passed by. She leaned on me and completely took all the comfortable space I had between her. "So, what's your little brother's name?"

My face can't help but frown at the action. This girl, she did that on purpose. "Killua, hey!" Kalluto waved at me from his class. There's a chance to get out of here. "Excuse me there's my brother.." I shifted out of the way.

"Huh? Wai- unbelievable." I heard her whisper.

"Huh? Killua, did you meet Ms. Retz?" Questioned Kalluto. "Oh, so you're his little brother?" She patted his head and half smiled.


Can I just go home now?

"Let me properly introduce myself. I'm Retz!" She shaked my hand vigorously. "I'm Killua..."

"Let's get to know each other, why don't we chat a bit?" She's really persistent.. in a bad way.

"That's.. thank you but... not now, please excuse us.." I dragged Kalluto and went out as soon as possible.

Ms Retz

Oh my... playing hard to get huh?


We went to a bakery. Great. Even more reasons to not pick up Kalluto. First it was those gossiping ladies. Now that teacher. She seems like a pushy flirt.

I put out my wallet and paid for the food.

I haven't made any progress for my paper. Even Alluka can go pick him up. But I know she's too busy. Such a waste of time...

"Killua? This half is for you." He tore his bread in half and tried to give me some. "Huh? You don't like it?" I said weirdly as I know it was his favourite bread and filling. He started smiling so bright. "It's so good I wanna share it with you."

How cute...

It might feel like a troubling errand sometimes. I put out my hand for him. "You can eat it all."

"Are you sure?" But this might be okay for now I guess...

My phone rung. Jason? What is he up to now? "Hello--". I got interrupted. "Where are you? Come to xxx at 7 okay?"

"I don't know if I can come--"

"You promised you'd come! I already booked a seat for you! You've got to come okay?!" Jason will never give up unless I give in to what he wants. I sighed. "What's the name of the restaurant?"

"Yeah! That's my boy. It's..."

Time skip to the bar...

XXX. Hmm.. so its here huh?

𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔶 [gonkillu]Where stories live. Discover now