The Beginning

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Life comes and go
Buds of life wilt and rot
Waiting for another season to come as it pleases
In order to renew the cycle of life
Where the nothingness is filled with happiness
Until we lose once again
And experience death once more.


Days passed by like the fresh cold breaths of air, trying to move you along with the currents of time. But for many people they stand by or walk along the whispers, rotting away like beautiful flowers until they are no longer beautiful.

Time was a scary concept for Acton, especially when the time was nearing. The time that decided whether war would be let loose or be compromised to avoid such tragedies.

It set him on edge knowing no one other than certain individuals that hold power knew of what was a stake. He watched everyone carry themselves while he was one of the few who carried that burden of peace.

No, he was the only one who carried that burden.

He was root of this all.

He never knew what was going to happen next. He assumed it was going to another normal day. Just like any other day. How he wished it was true. Their first year nearing the end already and starting a new one soon, still in amazement that it's nearly been a year that he's died then lived.

He can't help but reminisces, knowing it can all be taken away from him in these upcoming hours of the meeting they have with other kingdom representatives. Acton never interacted much with his stepdad but he did with his mother, finding out she was also a plant magic user. Granted she wasn't that great, she did admit she used her magic whether times were rough so she could make food. Though it would instantly tire her and make her bed sick.

Magic had it's weird ways of affecting people though.

Acton during his stay learned how to heal others and learned how to at least defend himself, his magic strong both defense wise and support wise with the practice he's put into it. Sometimes he'd ask Wyatt to lend the magic ball that estimated his strength in plant magic and it's green glow that was once dull had brighten into a beautiful color.

It showed his development. He no longer felt the need to be comforted by loneliness as had his friends for that.

Though they were strange, especially the males, he still appreciated them. It made him want to laugh at the thought of him being scared of them. They were quite kind really, especially towards him. At first it made him suspicious but he accepted it after awhile. It just showed how different they were from the Otome Game.

They weren't obsessive with anyone like the Otome Game, the person being Emily. They didn't seem to have a huge interest in her strangely but maybe it was because Emily didn't show interest either.

As she was now officially dating Sapphire.

They decided to confront each other in the possibility that a war could occur and they didn't want to leave anything unresolved if one of them were to...

It made Acton nauseous thinking about it so he instead focused on ccongratulating them. They in return congratulated him about gaining so many high standing suitors, no doubt pointing at the capture targets. He brushed it off with an eye roll, seeing as they were trying to earn a reaction to get Acton to focus on something else.

He couldn't help but feel bitter though, as his life was coming together. He was relieved on how well everything was going, no wars, no yanderes, no deaths. It was perfect. Almost too perfect that it made him nervous sometimes. And he was right.

He was forced to carry a burden once he finally was able to set free a past one.

"Hey Acton whatcha thinking so hard on?" Emily questioned, snapping him out of his thoughts. With an apologetic smile he just replied about life. She gave an oh, ruffling his hair which got a scowl from Acton.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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