Thou hast been blessed by the Prinzessin.

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When she woke up, she found herself in the monastery, with Bennett sleeping in a chair beside her.

"Oh, you're awake!" She turned around to see Barbara, the deaconess, healer and idol of the church. "You were pretty bad, it took a long while to fully heal you.." Her sight went to Bennett, who was still sleeping. "He said he felt guilty, so he stayed there the whole time."

Fischl's heart ached a little.

"But anyways, you should be good to go now, just don't take any hard commissions or ones that would take a lot of effort for a month." Fischl nodded. "And.. Bennett is a good soul, but as much as this sounds bad, you sho-"

"I am NOT leaving his team." The blond girl firmly said, unknowingly breaking her character.

Barbara just stood there for a while "I.. I'm sorry, that was a rude thing to say.. Anyways, I have to go work in the church now.. Uhm, you can leave whenever you want." She hurriedly went out of the room.

Fischl didn't move for a while because she was deep in thought, until Bennett woke up. "H-huh? Oh, Fischl! You're awake! Thank god.." He looked relieved. "I was so worried.."

The prinzessin didn't know what to say, maybe it was because of how relieved he seemed at her well-being, or because she remembered the amount of concern he had in his expression before she fell unconscious.

"I'm sorry.. It was my fault, guess my bad luck isn't something to get rid of so easily, huh.." He forced a smile.

"Doth not worry about me, for thee was the one that did save the Prinzessin." Fischl tried to cheer him up.

"But.. I was the one that made that Mitachurl hurt you.."

"Every adventure has their owneth dangers, my loyal servant.. And thou shalt not handle the force of guilt, for the voice of fate hast spoken to me, and thou hast also been blessed by the eternal night.. And thou also now wears my holy name's blessing."

"Your.. Blessing?"

"That is correct, I have chosen thou to be the holy wearer of my blessing."

She blessed him? He didn't quite know how to react about it.


Fischl finally stood up, her body was still kind of sore, but she still could manage to move.

"Are you alright? I wouldn't mind having to wait a little more time.." The girl simply nodded to the question.

After both of them exited the church, there was an awkward silence.

"Uhmm.. I guess we should go our separate ways now, you still need some rest."

"... Thank you, and.. I'm sorry."


The boy barely had time to react before the other girl went off, leaving him confused on the spot.

When Fischl arrived home, her parents were still out. She sighed and went directly to her room. She rested on her bed and began cursing herself.

"I'm so weak.. I need to get stronger.." those words were repeating in her head, in an endless loop. She didn't blame Bennett's bad luck on her humiliation, she blamed it on herself.

The concerned expression of Bennett was fixated on her mind and she couldn't avoid remembering it. It was the first time someone said so many nice things to her, and she didn't want to see him so worried ever again, and the fact that she knew that Bennett was also an outcast like her just aggravated that feeling.

The next morning, she was up early, and instead of her daily routine, she went directly to Katheryne.

"Fischl? You shouldn't take any commissions, I heard what happened yesterday.."

"Hmphm, that.. Humiliating event was just a mere delay in my journey, but I shalt strive over it, tell me, guild master! Tell me anything your mind has in store about the hard early journeys, designed to make mortals stronger than before!"

"Mein Fraülen is asking about training camps." Oz translated what Fischl wanted to say to Katheryne.

"Hmm.. Ok, I know some, but I won't let you take any commissions for a week in exchange, ok?" Fischl nodded.

Since that day, the girl spended most if not all of her week doing harsh training, trying to get better overall.

On the other side, Bennett was getting worried because he hasn't seen Fischl in a while, maybe she lied about joining her team?.. No, she wouldn't do that, she's just resting for a while so she can be in top form when she comes back.

He noticed that his bad luck returned when he went to do his commissions, he always returned with scratches and bruises from them, but like always, he didn't seem to mind as long as he got the job done.

A week passed, and Fischl was in the ground panting from exhaustion as she finished the last day of training, she felt like she got a bit better, not by a lot, but at least better than before.

The next day, she quickly prepared herself for the day, put on her adventuring outfit, and waited next to the fountain.

Bennett was going to the Adventurer's guild when he saw a familiar silhouette, it didn't take long to know whose ponytails and eccentric outfit were.

"Fischl!" He exclaimed as he approached her. "You're alright! I was thinking about where you were.. You should've told me that you were going to take some time" the boy laughed. "So... Do you still want to join my team? I.. I'll understand perfectly if you don't after what happened last week..." He lowered his head.

Even if it wasn't as harsh as last time, seeing Bennett like that still hurt her a bit, she thought about how many times he has said the same or similar thing to other adventures before they left his team.

But she wasn't going to.

"My loyal servant, I, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, would never betray her holy promises, I established that I shalt watch over thee on your adventures, and I shalt do just that."

Bennett quickly looked up with his eyes shining. "Thank you so much!" He said smiling from ear to ear, his smile was contagious, because it made Fischl smile as well.

"Very well, let us begin our journey across this mortal realm!" Fischl exclaimed, as she walked towards Katheryne with an excited Bennett following him.

"Congratulations, Bennett! You finally have a partner in your team!" Katheryne was happy for the boy, whose companions always abandoned him.

"Yeah! And I get a feeling that things are only going to get better!" Bennett said, being the optimistic boy that he always is.

Fischl just stood behind Bennett while he was signing her, smiling.

"You seem to like this boy, Mein Fraülen, I do get a feeling why." Said the electro familiar.

"Oz!" Fischl exclaimed while blushing a little, which caused Bennett and Katheryne to look at them.

After an awkward silence, both of them returned to what they're doing.

"I never mentioned any type of romantic feelings, Mein Fraülen." Oz said with a smug look.

Fischl didn't answer him, just stood there with a big blush on her face, she only wanted to protect him so he won't be sad again, and she wasn't falling for him, right?

... Right?

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