Blessed by the Eternal Night

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It was like any other day in the lively city that was Monstadt, chatter was heard everywhere and adventurers went in and out of the main gate. The young and unlucky boy named Bennett had just signed up to complete his daily commissions on the adventurer's guild. He was about to leave the city when....

"He who bears the world's curses!" Exclaimed someone behind him. "Thou has been blessed by the strings of destiny, because I'll allow thee to wend in an adventure with me, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort!" He didn't have to turn around to know who was talking, it was his friend from the guild, Fischl.

"Mein Fraülen says that she would like to accompany you in your commissions." said Fischl's familiar, the raven Oz.

Bennett was taken aback at first due to the sudden request, but his eyes rapidly lit up at the thought of someone wanting to go on an adventure with him after a long time of always going alone, but after a second he remembered why. "I'd love to! But.. I'm afraid my bad luck will impact you as well, and I wouldn't like anything bad to happen to you"

The prinzessin laughed. "Fear not, my dear servant! For I am blessed by the eternal night. Besides, what adventure comes without it's danger?" She said, hiding that she wanted to go with him because she knows what it's like to be all alone.

The gray-haired boy kept thinking for a while, after which he said "Ok then.. Maybe today will finally be my lucky day!" He said with a big smile on his face. "Let's go then! The first commission is nearby, it's just some hilichurls so hopefully it won't take long. I might hold you back tho.."

"Very well, let us depart you and I, in a journey to discover the hidden secrets of this world!" Fischl exclaimed, before going on ahead. "Mein Fraülen says that she'll do some investigating on the way."


"Halt." Whispered the blond girl, with no other word, she sneakily went around the hilichurl base, counting how many there were and doing mental notes on where it would be better to start attacking. After a while, she returned to Bennett, who waited there as Fischl requested.

"With mine leftmost eye, the Auge der Verurteilung, have peered forth into the tapestry of fate that doth make up the universe, and discovered that we shalt striketh from the place where their pitiful eyes won't see us coming, and if they dare to see our mighty aura, they shalt get blind before such power."

"She says that we should strike from above where the sun is so the hilichurls won't see us coming." Oz translated so the unlucky boy could understand.

"As expected from the Prinzessin! Very well, let's carry on your plan, don't get too close to me, I don't want you getting hurt."

They both were standing upon a small cliff that was behind the camp, searching for an opening on when to safely strike, and that opening came when the hilichurls were standing all close to each other.

Both adventurers jumped down, each striking an enemy when they touched ground, the other hilichurls rapidly picked up their weapons and started attacking the pair, but Bennett managed to parry every attack coming his way, and Fischl, with swift movements, dodged every strike aimed at her while at the same time firing her bow at the enemies, with Oz unleashing electro attacks at the other hilichurls left.

After a short while, most of the habitants of the camp were defeated, with only 2 Mitachurls left standing, both Bennett and Fischl looked at each other, and, if like they were reading each other's mind, started a synchronized attack on both of them, while Fischl and Oz striked their limbs to stagger them, Bennett started slashing the big foes weak points.

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