Chapter 6: Letters To The Pack

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" Stell asked rubbing her eyes "I forgot to get gas" I said opening the door heading to the trunk. Once there I popped it open and grabbed the gas can I had in there and shook it "thank god!" I sighed in relief "there is enough to make to the gas station I saw a few miles back" I told Stell as she walked from the front.

"Okay. hey do want me to drive for a bit you know so you could rest a little?" Stell persuaded "sure why not" I finished putting the gas in the tank dropped the bottle back in the trunk closed it and went to the passenger side.

"Okay it was just a little bit back that way" I said as we came to a fork in the road trying to remember wich way we came. I pointed to the left "I'm pretty sure it was that way" I nodded agreeing with myself. Stell shrugged and turned down the road.

We drove for a bit and came to a dead end that was when the decided it was gonna shut off and it did. "Motherfucker!" Stell yelled hitting the steering wheel.

She rubbed her face and pulled in some weird ways then pointed a finger at me "next time 'I'm pretty sure' ain't gonna cut it" she used finger quotes around I'm pretty sure then got out and started walking down the road. I got out and chased after her "Stell where are you going?" I asked pleading with her to stop "to go find a fucking gas station!" I nodded and followed after her.

After walking for about fourty-five minutes and getting no where Stell stopped and sat down muttering to herself. "Listen Tess I'm sorry I went off on you like that it's just...." she sighed "I'm pregnant" now that got my attention "what... I mean when?!" I asked because honestly if she said with Colin I think that would be the end of it... and that I would probably die of sadness.

"Well what I didn't tell you when we were in the woods is before I called Colin me and my mate well..." she said her bright pink "awe! wait so when did you find out?" curiosity spiked my brain. "About a week ag-" she began but I cut her off "shut up" I whispered "what? what do you mean shut up" she asked angrily "I mean shhh! Listen!" I whispered again she frowned but shut up. I heard some crinkling of leaves and some hushed voices.

"Stella come here." I said wearily she came over and I whispered "we are in someone's territory. There for we are tresspassers and they could kill us for that." I said creepily calm Stell on the other hand was not calm her eyes went wide and she looked like she was about to pass out. *How in the hell is this girl a pack fighter* my wolf questioned *meh hell if I know* "calm down you're a fighter remember,?" she nodded her head and took a deep breath "and what is the worst thing you could do in a battle situation?"

"um be unprepared and ner.nervous?" she said but it sounded more like a question "exactly. So calm down think straight and for god sakes put your guard up" I told her "oh yeah o-okay" she stuttered but she did as I asked.

Not even a minute later were surounded by wolves and they weren't just any wolves no they were huge wolves. Huge scary looking wolves all looking at us like they wanted to rip us limb from limb. The wolves parted and a man walked out from the woods. He was about 6'4 had redish brown hair tan skin and piercing black eyes. Not dark brown no black like the night.

"This is forest moon territory you have trespassed on." his gruff deep voice said "We were not awhere that there was a pack on these lands. We ran out of gas and got lost driving down these roads." I wondered where that voice came from and then I realised it came from me.

"I am the alpha of this pack. And I believe that I did not ask you to speak." now that just pissdd me off "excuse me sir. But I do beleive that you are not my alpha in fact my alpha would be very pissed to know that someone treated me like this" I said through gritted teeth "shut up" Stell whispered to me "no" I whispered back "is that so," the alpha said "and who is your alpha?" the alpha walked over by us "Alpha of the Gray moon pack... Colin" I said because hey I would rather be sent back to that pack then die.

The Alpha scoffed "him that is your Alpha he just took the title a few days ago the boy doesn't even know how to run a pack let alone be an alpha" he just kept chipping away at my cool calm and collected facade. Colin may be a horrible mate and a dick and a player but I know that he has been training to be Alpha since he shifted.

"And what about you sweet heart," the Alpha said to Stell but paused when I moved in front of her. He growled and pushed me out of the way. "As I was saying before," he shot me daggers "what about you would your alpha be pissed off to know I was treating you like this" he said and proceeded to grab Stell's ass.

That broke me I started to shake like visibly shake then I started growling madly. My wolf took over, shifted and attacked the alpha.

I blacked out after that because you see when your wolf takes over you don't know what's going on you get pushed into the darkest corner of your mind and are left to "enjoy" the ride only to take control when your wolf allows you.... for me and my wolf it's about a hour at the most two.

A/N sorry it took so long to upload I just couldn't type anything! I scrapped this chapter twice, deleted half of it and changed it once. So yeah I was having a hard time.

Anyway happy late New Years and Merry late Christmas.

Just got a new phone so from now on don't have to worry about charging my tablet to write I can just write on my phone! YAAY!!!!! So please



and Comment!

Thanks have a great New Years!!! ;)

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