Lucky for them there was a bench outside the parlor so it didn't make em look like creeps spying on people inside..even though that's exactly what they're doing.

"You say him?" Usopp asks. "Yeah, and the dude sanji was talking about with green hair." Luffy says. "Good. Wait, is Nami not there?" Usopp asks turning around to look inside. "I don't see her anywhere." Luffy says. "Hm, strange. Sanji said she'd be there. Wonder where she's at?" Usopp says.

"Are you talking about me?" A voice said. Usopp and Luffy turned around to see Nami. "What are you two doing?" Nami said. Both scream out of fear thinking they've been caught. "Hey Nami! We weren't doing anything." Usopp says as he nervously laughs.

Nami had a weird look on her face and leaned over to look and what they were looking at. "Oh! Sanji tattoo must be done. If you guys wanted to see it then you could've gone inside and ask my partner." Nami said. "Wait, that Zoro guy's your partner?" Luffy asks. "Yep. I know he looks mean but he's not that mean. Mainly when he's hungry or just tired." Nami says.

"Anyways, it's a little chilly out, come inside and get warm." Nami said. Usopp and Luffy walked in but kept they're distance so they don't get caught by Sanji. "So, you two never answered my question. I assumed it was because you wanted to see his tattoo, but since you're not over there curious I'm thinking there's another reason." Nami said.

Usopp and Luffy looked at each other surprised. "Yeah there is, but can you tell us about the Zoro guy first?" Luffy asks. Nami sat down at her chair and sighed. "Fine. He goes by Zoro, if I remember he use to do a lot of sword fighting and something, thus why he's all muscular and strong. After a while I guess he just decided to be a tattoo artist." Nami said.

Usopp and Luffy were not looking for an answer like that. "That's cool, but something about him that only he'd tell you or someone close? There's nothing like that of him?" Usopp asks "like his horoscope? He's a Scorpio I thought that was obvi." Nami said. "No! That's not what I meant. I mean does he have preference? Like relationship wise." Usopp says.

"You mean that he likes men? That's not something he hides, thought that was noticeable too! Or am I just only noticing?! Wait, why do you wanna know?" Nami asks. "Oh, ok. Well you see Luffy had this theory-" Usopp was cut off by Luffy putting his hand on his mouth. "I knew Sanji wasn't going to end up with you and be with someone else. Didn't know it was Zoro but I knew it wasn't you." Luffy said.

Nami laughed a little at the two. "Sorry, but I'm not interested in Sanji. Yes he's a very attractive and nice man but he's not my type. Is that what you guys are here for? Too see if Sanji and Zoro like each other?" Nami asks.

"Kinda, mostly if Sanji liked him. When he talked about him he said he was HOT, so we wanted to see ourselves." Usopp said sounding guilty.

"I get it! I know exactly what you mean. Honestly, I think Zoro likes him." Nami said. "For real? You think so?!" Luffy asks. "Yeah, he talked about sanji too over the phone while I was taking care of my mom and sister. Said Sanji was stubborn but also soft, does that match his description?" Nami asks. Usopp and Luffy nod their heads in shock.

"That's what I thought. How about this, for a couple days we try to get the two together?" Nami asks. "I don't know, sure Zoro likes guys like Sanji, but Sanji's like obsessed with you and has only reacted towards girls. This is the first time he thought a guy is hot." Usopp says.

"All the more reason to try. Why don't know if sanji likes both, so we might as well try it out. Oh, and about him being obsessed with me, I'll make sure to keep myself busy just he can be with only zoro, got it?" Nami says.

Luffy and usopp nod their heads again agree with Nami. "Nami dear you're here!! Usopp and Luffy? What are you two doing here?" Sanji asks. "Thought we'd stop by to see your tattoo when your done, and we ran into Nami and just chat a bit." Luffy said.

"Oh, awesome! Look at it!" Sanji said holding his arm out and smiling like a little kid. "Wow that's really cool!!" Luffy said. "Yeah look at the detail in that!" Usopp says.

"Thanks, but you should say thank you to Nami for the design, and to Zoro for doing it." Sanji said smiling at Zoro and Nami. "Anyways, let's go home to your place and celebrate!" Luffy said. "For a tattoo? You sure?" Sanji asks. "Totally! Let's go!" Usopp says throwing Sanji his coat and dragging him.

"So, how did the process go?" Nami asks Zoro. "Went fine. Surprised he didn't mess it up considering he's a chef." He says. "I guess so. Do you like him?" She asks. "He's a cool guy, so sure." He says. "Nothing weird happened?" Nami said. "No? Not that I know of. Well, maybe...but that's something for tomorrow. I gotta head home, I'm tired." Zoro says.

Nami huffed. "For real? Why can't you tell me now real quick?" She asks. "Because I'm tired. I promise I'll tell you tomorrow, okay?" He says patting her head.

Nami sighed and pouted her lips. "Fine." She mumbles. "Good. You get some sleep too, I think we might be busy tomorrow with a person wanting their whole legs done." He says putting on a coat. "Great. See you tomorrow Zoro, bye." Nami says waving at him as he walks out the building.

"Why would you do me like this Zoro?" Nami said to herself pouting even more. "It's all gonna be fine anyways, cause I have a plane. A very, good plan." She says aloud as she gets ready to grab her stuff and go home for the night.

Zoro and sanji. (That's the best I got)Where stories live. Discover now