His Butler & Maid, His Slaughtered Battalion / The Eternal Forest

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They were all....


Every last one. Everyone of his battalion. 


Malphas dropped to his knees. He failed. He couldn't return home... Not after this. He sunk to the ground, tossing his helm to the ground with an angered scream. He closed his eyes.

What would his father say if he returned?

I raised you to be king one day... you are nothing but a failure of a demon...

What would his mother say? 

You did your best... 

Stolas and Ilia would be his only comfort. But they even had their limits. 

You tried brother. You couldn't have done anything.

Malphas grit his teeth, then he heard a beautiful bell like voice in his ears.

Sometimes anger is not the best option, mon amie.

Angelica. His beautiful angel. He shut his eyes, and let her voice take over his mind.

He who wishes to fight must count the cost...

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity....

You're special because of the unique combination of your skills and experiences.

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