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        After Bakugo left the room in such a rush, Etsuko goes to the bathroom and changes out of the pajamas she borrowed and into her uniform, she also uses a spare, unopened toothbrush that Bakugo had laying around and brushes her teeth. When she comes out of the bathroom she spots Bakugo grabbing a new uniform from his closet, his cheeks flushed lightly.

        "Katsu-kun, are you sick? Your face is a little red."

        His shoulders tense as he hears Etsuko's voice. "I'm not sick!" he says, sounding louder and meaner than he had intended. He clears his throat. "I feel fine, d-don't worry about it."

        "Are you sure?" Etsuko approaches and puts the back of her hand to Bakugo's forehead, standing on her top toes slightly to reach. "You feel kinda warm, o-oh! Katsu-kun! You're face just got redder! Are you okay?"

        "It's nothing!" Bakugo pulls away and quickly runs to the bathroom to escape.

        Etsuko purses her lips. "Why is he acting so strange?" Then Etsuko realizes something. "Maybe he got hit with some quirk!" She brings a fist down onto her open palm. "If that's the case I need to let Mr. Aizawa know!"

        When Bakugo finally emerges from the bathroom, he's jumped by Etsuko, who tugs at his cheeks and checks his mouth and eyes, lifting his arm to see how it falls, everything.

        "I realized maybe the reason why you're acting so weird is because you got hit by a quirk! Do you feel any different? Any funny feelings? Do you know when you could've gotten hit? Or who might have a quirk that would make you act this way?"

        Bakugo tries to back up but she continues to try and find the issue. He eventually just grabs her cheeks to get her to stop.

        "Pipsqueak, I'm fine. I wasn't hit by any quirks."

        "Then why are you acting so different from usual?"

        Bakugo's cheeks turn pink and he hesitates before muttering "I-it's...it's-never mind!"

       "Oh, wait! You're not embarrassed because we cuddled in your bed last night, are you?"

Bakugo's face explodes into a fiery red blush. "O-of course n-not! Why the hell would you think that?!"

"But, it's true, isn't it?"

        Bakugo looks away, grumbling. "Y-yeah...sorry, again."

"You don't have to say sorry, I don't mind."

"B-but, you were uncomfortable. You were trying to wake me up so I would move, weren't you?"

"Oh, no that's just because I didn't want you to be late to school."


"Katsu-kun, you don't have to feel embarrassed. I like hugs and cuddles, a lot, so I didn't mind."

Bakugo stares at Etsuko for a moment before looking away. "Tch! Well, I don't wanna be late, so let's just get going." Bakugo exits the room in his usual Bakugo fashion, Etsuko soon following behind him.

After a brief breakfast, Bakugo and Etsuko walk to school.

"Hey, Katsu-kun?"


"I told Todo-kun this too, but if you ever need a hug or just want to cuddle with someone, you can always just call or text me and I'll come over."

"Are you looking down on me?"

"No, I just wanted to let you know. Everybody needs a hug at some point, even really strong people and people who don't like hugs."

"Tch, I get it, damn Pipsqueak."

Etsuko smiles, and the rest of the walk to school goes by in a comfortable silence.

        The two arrive at UA and school proceeds as usual.

        During class, Etsuko zones out, remembering something from last night.

        After Bakugo had crawled into bed, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep, but Etsuko was awake and had a hard time going back to sleep, her curiosity keeping her up.

        In his sleep, he started mumbling, his words not very clear at first, but eventually, Etsuko could make it out. "(Y/N)....(Y/N)!"

        Etsuko didn't know who (Y/N) was but Bakugo looked sad, so she decided to hug him. "Hey," she whispered. "Baku-kun, I'm here."

        He relaxes, mumbling "It's Katsu, idiot."

        "Okay, Katsu-kun."

        Not long after that, Etsuko falls asleep.

        Etsuko props her chin in her hand. "I wonder who (Y/N) is?" she mutters to herself.


At lunch, Etsuko sits with Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Jiro.

"Hey, by the way, Mochi," Kaminari starts. "When did you start calling Bakugo 'Katsu-kun?'"

Etsuko glances at Bakugo briefly, realizing he didn't seem to notice her calling him by his first name until Kaminari mentioned it. "Well, since last night."

"Last night? What happened last night?" Mina asks, giving Bakugo a side glare.

"Well, oniisan wasn't gonna be home yesterday so Katsu-kun invited me to spend the night at his house. At some point during the night, I heard him talking in his sleep and he seemed upset, so I tried to comfort him. I'm pretty sure he was sleeping, but he told me to call him 'Katsu' so that's what I did." After that, Etsuko takes a bite out of her sandwich.

"Mochi, you didn't sl-" Sero starts, but is interrupted by the bell.

Etsuko quickly finished her meal and heads back to class before any further questions can be asked.

I hope Tomu-oniisan comes home tonight. I miss him.

A/N: word count was 888 & something ab that is so satisfying

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