Chapter 9 : Scars

Start from the beginning

He leant down cautiously before pressing his lips against her warm forehead. He couldn't deny the feelings he started having for her in a strange way anymore.

As quietly as he could, he left her room and closed the door behind him. On his way to his own dorm, he came across Aki and gave her a nod accompanied by a smile. She sighed in relief and her body seemed to relax to know that her friend was fine. Hiroto himself did seem to relax at that simple fact.


It was dead midnight when (Y/n) was trapped in one of her nightmares. She wanted to escape the man who was trying to cut her flesh open for the sake of his experiments.

She was trying to set herself free from the grasp of the same bed she was put in. She was trying to break free from the room she despised with her life.

But nothing seemed to work.

She screamed and cried for help, but she didn't realize that being caught in such horrible nightmare meant her screams of help went to reality.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" There was a crowd surrounded in front of (Y/n)'s room, but Aki was the one who approached the struggling girl to bring her back to reality.

"Wake up! It's just a dream!" Aki tried waking her up, but she couldn't. Shaking the girl's shoulder only made her more terrified as the claws of the nightmare grasped the (h/c)-haired girl.

"I will go call Hiroto." Midorikawa announced as he ran upstairs to get his friend who seemed to be too deep in sleep to notice what was happening outside the dreamland.

"Hiroto!" Midorikawa shook Hiroto's shoulder, waking him up.

"What is it, Midorikawa ?" Hiroto asked with a tired voice, sitting up to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"It's (Y/n), she's too caught up in a nightmare to wake up. We tried to wake her up but she just wouldn't." The green-haired male explained briefly, making Hiroto more awakened with the situation.

They headed downstairs to the source of sobs and screams. Hiroto's heart ached as the sounds reached his ears.

"(Y/n) please wake up!" Endou yelled as he tried to shake her up, Tsunami and Aki by his side.

"Endou-kun." Hiroto called, making the goalkeeper look at him. He seemed to understand when Hiroto approached (Y/n)'s bed because he got up and left space for the red-haired guy to sit where he was at.

"(Y/n)..." he called softly as he grabbed her shoulders, bringing her up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around her back while her face was hiding in his chest. He could feel how shaken she was.

What the hell was she dreaming about?

"Shhh... It's okay now, everything is okay, (Y/n)." He whispered near her ear as he stroked her hair smoothly, "Wake up from that nightmare, you are strong enough to break through." After his sentence ceased by mere seconds, her sobs turned to hiccups as her eyes fluttered open, "H-Hiroto?" The said guy smiled quietly to himself as his grip around her form tightened, "That's me."

She was silent as she moved her hands to clench the material of his shirt in his back.

"I'm here now." He whispered as he gave the top of her head a kiss before burying his face in her (h/c) hair. Mere seconds later, he pulled away and spoke as soft as he could, "I'm going to turn around to tell the others that they can leave, okay? I'm not going anywhere." His hand didn't cease to caress her hair whilst he talked and waited for her answer. She very slowly nodded.

"She'll be alright with me now, you guys can go back to sleep. I'll stay with her." He made sure she heard every word he said while he shielded her whilst he looked around to face his friends. They nodded and smiled in appreciation for his help as they knew their friend was in safe hands.

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