Tangled Au Kidge: Part 4

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A/N: Part 4. This is the scene where Flynn/ Yorak, are running through the forest, and Keith winds up at the tower. Also where are two main characters meet, Via frying pan to the face.

Yorak was running through the forest to escape the Castle guards. He stopped to rest at a tree, which had 2, "Wanted: Dead or alive," signs. Yorak panted and glanced at the tree, he gasped when he saw the 2 signs, and pulled the one down that had his face on it, checking to see what it looked like. 

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. This is bad. This is very very bad. This is really bad." He flipped the sign around, with a distressed look on his face, so Sendak and his brother could see it. "They just can't get my mullet right."

"Who cares?" Sendak asked frustrated.

"Well, it's easy for you to say." He gestured to the sign that had them on it. "You guys look amazing."

A horse neighed and Yorak swung around. The castle guards were on horse back, with the Captains horse Cosmo, leading in the front. They raced down the hill toward the trio, who took off running again. Eventually, they ended up running to a dead end, yet there was one way out of here.

"All right. Ok." He turned around to face the brothers. "Give me a boost and I'll pull you up."

They look at him, unconvinced. Sendak held his hand out. "Give us the satchel first."

"Wha- I just... I can't believe that after all we've been through together, you don't trust me?" Blank stares was all that met him. "Ouch." He took the Satchel off, and handed it to Sendak.

The two brothers made a human ladder, and Yorak climbed up the two, and reached the top. Sendak stretched his arm up, "Now help us up, pretty boy!" (That you are correct, Sendak. He  is a pretty boy.)

"Sorry," He held up the satchel he'd somehow stolen, right from under Sendak's nose. "My hands are full." He took off running with the satchel.

"What?!" Sendak was shocked and confused, how did he do that? "RIDER!"

Yorak ran through the forest, briefly pausing, before running off again at the sound of galloping Horses.

"Retrieve that satchel at all costs!" The captain ordered the two soldiers running on either side of him.

"Yes sir!" They both shouted. Cosmo himself neighed to the two horses, giving them orders as well.

Yorak dived under a log, just as the guards released the crossbows. The arrows stuck into the log and he kept running. The sound of arrows going through his ears as he barely dodged them. He jumped through a tree, and most of the horses couldn't get through. Cosmo however could and jumped through a rather large opening in the tree. "We got him now, Cosmo." He neighed and sped up to catch Yorak.

Yorak saw a vine hanging from a tree, and sped up. He jumped and grabbed a vine that was hanging, swinging around and kicking the guard off of Cosmo, He landed in the saddle. "Hiyah" Cosmo stopped running and snapped his head around to look at Yorak. He grunted, "Come on, fleabag! Forword!"

Cosmo snorted then noticed the satchel, he snapped at the bag trying to get it from this stupid crooks hands. Yorak pulled it back out of his reach, "No. No. Stop it! Stop it! Give it to me! Give me that!" Cosmo had grabbed the satchel with his mouth and was now trying to get it back. Yorak yanked it and it flew through the air, getting hooked on a tree branch.

Yorak jumped off the horse and raced to the tree Cosmo easily overtook him, but Yorak grabbed his front leg causing him to stumble forward. He scrambled up and got in front, then Cosmo bit his shoe, and he tripped. Cosmo trotted across the tree and Yorak jumped on is head, Cosmo shook his head and he slipped off. Luckily he grabbed the branch just in time and clung to it for dear life. Cosmo walked forward stomping his feet near the humans hand, trying to get him to let go. This went on for a while, until Yorak finally reached the branch the satchel was on. He swung and grabbed the smaller branch then grabbed the handle for the satchel. "Ha!"

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