Daddy daughter day!

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A/N: This captures exactly how I feel about this ship in one picture, so perfectly, It's not even funny.

I present to you, the first one shot I'm writing that features a child of Kidge, I'm excited about this one. Warning, there's a lot of fluff, which is nice, but will make you squeal, so have a pillow to squeal into, or a stuffed animal to squeeze, whichever works for you. The kids about 3 by the way.

Keith's POV: I was at the park with Maya. Sure, it's a weekday, so I should be at work, but I took the day off. I decided to spend the day with her, for some good old, father daughter bonding. Plus she hasn't been to the park before, so why not. It'll be something new, and fun to do, and her doctor says that new things help kids. 

She looked around at all of the equipment, with wide eyes, before she grabbed my hand, and pulled me to the swings, pointing at it excitedly. (Ahh, I see she is a person of culture as well. The swings are my favorite playground equipment as well.) I picked her up, and put her in the baby swing, and started pushing her. She had a big smile on her face, and pretty quickly figured out how to use her legs to keep her momentum going. I started to think about stuff that happened. Biologically, Maya isn't mine. Her biological father is actually James Griffin. It's strange though, because minus her hair color, she's nothing like him, which I am grateful for. (Ditto on that. One James is enough...) She's a lot like Katie. She looks like Katie, except with Griffin's hair color, she's really smart for a 3 year old, and is a firecracker.

He left Katie shortly after she told him, she was pregnant. That still makes me mad to this day, She's such a cute kid. But, he made his choice, the moment he left. 

It's funny, everything he was supposed to witness with having a kid, I was there for instead. For example, her being born, That was stressful and painful. My hand was definitely broken from that. Even her first steps.

She was trying to get a toy from the coffee table, but she was quite far from it, and crawling apparently wasn't gonna cut it, So she got up on shaky legs, and started slowly walking to it. She tripped once, which I ran over and helped her stand back up, and she walked the rest of the way to the table grabbed the toy, and walked back to me. I was so happy I had my phone with me, and was able to film the whole thing.

You may be wondering why I said First steps, instead of first word. Well, it's because she's mute.  We taught her sign language, and use that to communicate with her. (Side note, if I put '...' That means they're using sign language.) It was very clear to me, she got Katie's smarts, she picked it up, pretty quickly.

She tugged on my jacket, and I stopped the swing. 'What's up?' She pointed to the monkey bars excitedly. 'The monkey bars?'

She nodded, so I lifted her out of the swing and put her on the ground, She ran over to the monkey bars, and pulled herself onto the platform. I walked over, and helped her get on the monkey bars, and helped her move from one bar to the other bar, until she was across the whole thing.

I helped her get down from the monkey bars, and put her back on the ground. I ruffled her hair, and said, "Nice job, little red." (Why not, He was the Red paladin. I feel like he'd still say 'little red,' to his kid, since that was his lion first.) She grinned and jumped up and down happily. She signed with her fingers. 'Can I try it again?! But I wanna try it by myself, this time.' I nodded and she climbed back up the platform, I helped her get on the first bar, but stepped to the side, and watched.

She started off shaky at first, but soon got the hang of it. She was on the last 3 bars, when her hands slipped off. I quickly jumped forward, and caught her before she tumbled to the ground. She gripped my jacket sleeve, and buried her face in my shirt. "It's ok, I got you," I rubbed circles on her back, and she calmed down after a while. 

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