part 24

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Ant and Dec sat side by side in silence.

Not speaking,not moving,not pedalling...nothing.

They were both thinking the same thing.

This was the end of the line.

They had been pedalling aimlessly for what seemed like days now and getting nowhere useful and now they had no supplies,no food,no drink or anything to provide warmth.They didn't see any point in continuing.

This was over and they both knew it.

This was how their lives would end,drifting out in the ocean,alone and scared.

It was very likely that hypothermia would get them before they starved to death.

"I'm sorry" Ant whispered tearfully.

"What for?" Dec asked.

"For persuading you to do this" Ant sighed "I've basically signed our death warrants,we should have stayed on the island"

"It's not your fault Ant" Dec assured him "I didn't have to agree to it,I didn't want to be there any more than you did"

"I still wish we'd stayed" Ant frowned "just a little bit longer,at least we had food,water and shelter"

"There really isn't any hope is there?" Dec asked,with tears now streaming down his cheeks.

"I don't think so pal" Ant replied sadly,while pulling Dec in for a sideways hug.

"We're going to die out here aren't we?" Dec sobbed.

Ant nodded,while avoiding Decs distraught gaze,he just couldn't bear to look at him right now,not after the mess he'd got them into.

"I'm sorry" Ant muttered again.

"You shouldn't have brought me back when I drowned" Dec exclaimed "it would all be over"

"I had to Decs" Ant replied sadly.

For a painful few minutes,the air was filled with the sound of Decs wailing as he tried to come to terms with what was happening.

Ant was crying too,but silently,although he was making no effort to hide it,which was very unusual for him.

Ant kissed Decs forehead,there was little else he could do under the circumstances.

"What's it going to be like?" Dec whispered,as he cuddled up close to Ant.

"What?" Ant asked.

"Dying" Dec stated "will it hurt?will it go on for ages?or will it be quick?will we suffer?"

"I don't know Decs" Ant frowned "I hope it will be quick and painless"

"I can't believe this" Dec wept.

"Me neither" Ant replied.

"It's getting cold now the sun's going down" he continued.

"Yeah" Dec agreed "and we haven't got anything to keep us warm"

Ant pulled Dec in towards him even closer.

"Let's snuggle up tight" Ant suggested "at least we'll have a bit of body heat from each other"

Dec placed one arm across Ants stomach,resting his head on Ants chest and Ant wrapped both of his arms affectionately around Decs torso.

"Better?" Ant asked.

"Not really" Dec sighed "I'm still cold,but your hugs have always comforted me when I'm down...although this is more than feeling a little bit down"

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