part 20

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"You don't know that" Ant smiled "it could be anywhere"

"I'm telling you Ant" Dec replied "Piccolo has eaten my wedding ring,where else could it be?"

"Lots of places" Ant assured him "the beach,the forset"

"We looked on the beach and I've hardly been in the forest since I was ill" Dec pointed out.

"Well,what do you suggest?" Ant frowned "chasing Piccolo around and just hoping he poos it out in front of us?"

"Maybe" Dec shrugged.

"Well,if that happens" Ant turned his nose up in disgust "you can be the one to search it"

"I will" Dec snapped.

"We didn't look that hard anyway" Ant stated "but it's getting dark now,come on,let's get some sleep,then we can start looking again in the morning"

Dec reluctantly agreed,still convinced that this was a bad omen and as he lay next to Ant on the blanket,he couldn't help thinking about it.

"What would Ali think if she knew I lost it?" He mused.

"Declan" Ant replied firmly "don't you think Ali will be more concerned about you than the ring?jewellery can be replaced,people can't,please stop worrying about it,Ali will be desperately worried about you,she'll just want you home,she won't give two hoots about that ring"

"'s just..." Dec stuttered.

"It's what?" Ant encouraged.

"It's just" Dec continued sadly "it's just that it's the only thing I've got know...of only connection to her and now it's gone"

"Well,that's not true is it?" Ant frowned.

"What?" Dec asked surprised.

"That's not true" Ant repeated "it's not your only connection to her and I know a wedding ring is special Dec and all it represents,but it's a piece of object,you have something even better than that"

"Do I?" Dec asked confused.

"Of course you do,you idiot" Ant laughed "you've got your love for each other,that's not gone anywhere and you've got your memories,those are more meaningful than any ring aren't they?"

"I guess so" Dec smiled "if you put it like that"

"You must have made so many beautiful memories with Ali by now?" Ant beamed "and it doesn't matter if you haven't seen her for a few weeks,she's still in your heart and you'll still be in hers"

"I guess you're right" Dec smiled,now feeling a little bit more positive.

"Of course I am" Ant grinned "I'm always right,I promise you Dec,all Ali wants is for you to come home safe and well,nothing else matters"

"Yeah" Dec nodded,before rolling over and drifting off into a blissful sleep,dreaming of his wife.

Dec was the first to stir the next morning,the shimmers of sunlight peaking through the gaps in the wood,warming his face.

"Morning Piccolo" he whispered at the snoozing animal laying by his bedside "you had a poo yet?"

Dec had had a good nights sleep,but he didn't feel particularly refreshed,he was still thinking about Ali and Isla a lot and he missed them desperately.

As he stared blankly at the wooden planks of the shelter,something caught his eye...a tiny little glimmer of light between two of the slats,something golden,half buried in the sand.

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