Chapter 4: I am not a ghost, Tine

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"I don't know Tine, I am just as clueless as you. I moved here a few months ago, I never saw anyone in the house before, but suddenly after New Year's I kept seeing you around."

"How long have you been living here?"

"About six months. One day, I saw a weird figure moving around the house. Suddenly, the figure became clearer and I saw you. I didn't know what you were either. I couldn't see your friends. I could only see you because to me you were shining like the sun."

"Okay, I'll humor you — Why did you ignore me then? I tried talking to you the first day I moved"

"I stayed quiet because even I didn't know what was going on. For a second, I thought you were a ghost trying to make another ghost friend. I assumed maybe you were a new ghost who didn't know he was dead and you just wanted to make a friend. So, I ignored you. I honestly thought you would disappear. I brought my manager the next day to the apartment to test out if he could see you too, but when even he couldn't."



I heard you saying it was January 2017 in your world, so I wanted to verify it. I played a new recent movie every day to check if it was really 2017 in your world. And it surely was — you didn't seem to have watched any of the movies I put on."

"So.....all those incredibly movies we watched were not your own creation?"

I was honestly more disappointed than I should have been.

"Tine, even if I was a ghost, which I am not, how could I just create those amazing movies on my own?"

"So.... does Tony Stark really die in the next Avengers movies?

Please say no, please so no.

"Well, yes?"

"SARAWAT, WHAT THE HELL! I don't believe you at all. Iron Man lives and this is my house. You are a ghost. Please leave"

"This is my house too, Tine. I have my own set of keys and a lease. Wait for a second, I'll show it to you."

Sarawat brought out the lease agreement from his bedroom. "Take a look at the lease."

I walked closer to Sarawat and tried touching the paper, but my hand went right through it. But even though I couldn't touch it, I could see the date on the agreement and Sarawat's name on it.

"July 2019. huh?"

"Yep. I moved here 6 months ago."

I looked up at him, aware of our close proximity. "I still don't get it. How did you touch me before, but I can't touch you?"

"You want to touch me so badly, Tine?" Sarawat moved closer and gave a mysterious smile.


Sarawat laughed again. "Well too bad, I—I actually don't know how I touched you right now. Just like you, I also tried to touch you and your stuff around the house a few times in the past, but the same thing happened to me — My hands went right through you."

"So, how did you end up holding me today?"

"I don't know? May be because I really wanted to save you? Or may be because you really, really wanted me to touch you. I could see it in your eyes when I was in the shower Tine, don't try to deny it."

Sarawat smirked and I took a few steps farther from him. "You—I don't believe you. What if you are a ghost pretending to be a human in front of me so you can slyly steal my food."

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