one-three ♪

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"I call top bunk!" I shouted as I ran to the back of the tour bus to the cots. the bus was rather spacious, and I was cool with staying here for the next three months. I claimed the small latter to get to the top bunk ad will and ash joined me in the back, picking out their cots aswell, will taking the one across from me above mark, joe being under me, and ash being behind us all.

I decided to snap a quick picture for Instagram.


(y/u/n): look at how swag our tour bus is :)

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(y/u/n): look at how swag our tour bus is :)

wilbursoot: we're the coolest ever
ashkabosu: the couches are so comfy guys
dreamwastaken: I miiiiight come to one of your shows :)
load more


I got very positive responses to the post and settled into a comfy spot on the couch and took out my laptop to mix some beats. I put my airpods in and just let the commotion happen around me, eventually our driver arrived and we hit the road.

"whatcha working on?" Joe's muffled voice broke me away from my focus, "well I wrote a song I want to put on the next album but I can't seem to get a flow with the beat.." I said, adjusting something and offering joe and ear piece and playing the beat again.

he listened to it and then motioned for me to give him my lap top, I did and he clicked around a few times before playing it again.

he had added a heavier drum long underneath everything to keep a steady flow, and it helped with the song a lot. it just made everything comes together more.

"woah...thank you so much Joe you're really a life saver." I said, taking the lap top back, "no problem dude!" he gave me a quick fist bump and headed twords the back of the bus. I closed my laptop and finally decided to get ready to hit the hay. between the I hour flight and the fact that it was 1:57 a.m. we're starting to take a toll on me.

since the boys were asleep I shut off all the lights and tvs and headed to bed.

when I got to the back of the buss will was the only one up, and he was on his phone. I didn't think much of it untill I saw a text light up on my phone.

wilby :)

hey stupid


I smiled at the message and quicky typed up a reply..

wilby :)

hi wilby, what's up?

don't call me that

also the sky

are you nervous about tomorrow?

not really, we've preformed in front
of crowds plenty of times, plus we
don't have to deal with a meet n greet
like we did today.

are you?

I'm gonna be honest a little bit

I always get nervous before shows

thank god I have you to back me up,
litteraly and figuratively <3


I felt myself smile like crazy at that one simple message. a soft heat rose to my face when my phone pinged again.

wilby :)

turn over btw <3


I turned to my right and my eyes were net with Wilbur's, the soft glow of his phone highlighting his features perfectly. he clicked his phone off and we drifted off to sleep, facing each other.

a/n-hey so just real quick solo songs and a few lj songs will be written by other artists but I will give them credit, I just didn't wanna confuse anyone, ok love you bye <3

drunk mistakes♪ {Wilbur soot x reader}Where stories live. Discover now