He wanted to get a test trial of my skills.

I jokingly smirk, letting out a small low chuckle, "A skeptic, I see."

"I do not mean to offend," he said, his smile rising.

My hands slowly raise, going to my hood. Placing it down his eyes adjust to my appearance.

I looked at him, confused at his reaction.

"What, never seen such a young person with white hair before," I said to the man.

He was probably going to tell me I looked old. That I should sign up for St. Mungo's Hospital since I looked so deathly ill.

Bellatrix never called me an old crone when we first met; she commented on my...

"No, nothing like that i was your eyes. I have never seen such beautiful purple eyes," he said, inching closer.

I jolted back-breaking from my calmness. He then almost dropped my drink. The mysterious man held the drink and then put his fist close to his mouth, coughing almost to excuse his embarrassing action.

"Sorry, didn't mean to overstep my bounds," his voice seemed genuine.

My eyes looked up and down at this man. This could have been a setup.

"Sir, if you wish to take my time up without explaining your plants that need to be fixing I do have to assume that this conversation is over."

He composed himself back and nodded. "Yes, I wish to discuss a certain plant needing mending, but I am searching for a more full-time position."

I smile, "Now we are talking, sir. I do recommend that we discuss this in more depth with my employer. He, unfortunately, handles the fine print of the contract."

His eyebrows rise, and He leaned back on his chair. "Aww, this is where things get different; you see, I want you. Not your employer."

This was not the first time I had been approached by this offer. Many families wanted me to covet me.

To be their assassin or concubine. This seemed to be less interesting as he continued.

"Sir, I do recommend that you are not the first in trying to work under you, but you must understand that my employers are not to be trifled with." I calmly looked around. "But since this is your first mistake, I shall let what happened this instant go unheard of."

"Are we leaving," Alina finally spoke.

I sit up from my chair and place the sickle on the table. Then taking the cup, I chug it all down no matter how bitter it was. Then I clang it on the table, looking at the table with meat.

"You are welcome to have the rest. My friend has enough to last for a while. Good day sir. If you wish to have a proper conversation, I think it would be best to have my employer present during this conversation."

I begin to walk out, placing my hood up.

The door was so close to my grasp I knew that if I walked out that door, I would be able to escape his grasp by some miracle.

This snake venom perfume was finally going to disappear.

As I open the door waiting for the chime, I felt a press against it. The door closed, and I could feel the man behind me.

"I do not believe it is wise for you to leave now," he quickly turned me over, and the drunken man in the corner now had his wand against the bartender's neck.

A sharp pain enters the back of my arm. It was so sharp I was unsure if he had broken my arm or was about to break it.

"I see negotiations have gotten south." I turned around, slowly putting my hands up. "Sir, you need to understand it is not that I wish I do not want to betray my employers; I just won't."

Is It Okay To Love The Villainess (Bellatrix x Female OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin