chapter 7: the APPLE of her eye

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Blue, the dark forest lit up blue. From the branches and Thorne's we stepped. We saw the same old farm, but a little younger. We walked past the same old hills except, younger. That was the difference, younger, everything was younger. The people, the animals, the places were all younger. How far back had she taken us? Would we change something, and ruin time as we know it?

"When have you taken us?" I asked demandingly.

"We are back, before I got the mirror." She replied with her eyes almost tearing up. "We had just found out the king was dead. I was never around after. Snow stayed outside most of the time because I always yelled if she spoke her father's name."

"That's absurd." Hook demanded.

"Shut up" I whispered waving in warning.

"No-n-n-no, I will not her own daughter did not deser-" SMACK. The evil queen smacked hook so hard his mostache curled.

"Well, I am the wicked queen." She said her back turned, she walked on. We followed.

We arrived at the mote. The queen guided us over and into the castle.

"Hold it" a guard said putting his sword infront of us. The queen was 😲 shocked. He saw the look on her face and instantly drew away his sword.

We continued deeper into the castle. It was full of men and woman cleaning in silence. It was a cold dark place.

We walked past the queens throne and-
"STOP." She yelled running into the hall behind us. "Who are yo-" the queen blasted the queen with a blue mist. She fell to the floor and turned to a toad. I lifted her into my sachel and we began toward the chamber.

We walked past the bathroom, past the ball room, and- it was a window, opened, and right outside sat snow out on her well. The queen looked as if she would cry. "Go" she said " I will meet you. You must ask a guard they will tell you." And before I could reply she was gone.

I did as she instructed. I walked up the stairs and asked the first guard I saw.
"Down the hall to the right." He said in distrust.

We walked into the room and sat on the bed. The frog queen fell out of my bag onto the bed and turned back into a human. A sleeping human. We sat and waited.A guard walked in and sat a large oval object on the floor. All we thought was......  MIRROR.

Meanwhile down in the garden...

Snow sat on her knees with her face in her arms on the well. She was sobbing. Her breathing was fast and breaking. A large stiff object appeared in the light.

"Snow, my girl, what's wrong." It was the queen snow stood up and hugged the queen.

"I've missed you, very much, mother." She said stepping back a step. "It's just that, well, ever since father died I haven't seen you once."

"Well, that's because I need my space." She said to the tween snow.

"But it's been 4 months now, mother, how much space must you have!?" The girl said tearing up once again.

"I'm sorry, I had never realized you missed me so much." The queen said. "Which is why I must tell you something. Something terrible."

"What is it, it can't get much worse than now."

"Well let's sit." She said sitting down with snow. "Well it all begins today. Today I will get my mirror. Your father always used to say I was fairest of all. I never believed him but eventually I become upssesed with it, because it makes me feel closer to him. But it doesn't make me closer to him. It just makes me farther than I have ever been. He would have wished that we could have still loved each other, but instead..
I kill you."

"What?" Snows eyes lit up like stars.

"I-im."she tried

"Why would you do that. How can you say that i-"

"I just wanted to warn you."

Snow stood. "Well thanks." She stepped away. "Now I can stay aw-"

The queen stood grabbed snows arm and pulled her in for a hug. Snow and the queen were noth facing the castle. The queen held her in a child-like hug. "I'm sorry my girl, but it wasn't a warning. I simply told you to save my own self. For my dearest snow, I'm sorry for what I did in my past, your future. I just had to make sure you knew...
My girl I do, love you, I always have and always will." A tear rolled down the cheek of the queen as well as the one of snow's. With that a bright blue glow appeared from the queens hand. Snow fell back in her arms and they both dropped to the floor, snow asleep, the queen in tears.

"HELP, help!" The queen yelled to the gaurds. 6 ran out.

"What happened?" One of them asked.

"Is she okay?" Asked another.

"I hope so. We were just sitting and boom she fell." The queen lied.

"She is just asleep we must take her to the doctor." One said in relief, they lifted her and carried her away.

Meanwhile, up in the room....

"What was it she asked us for?" Hook asked scavangering  through her potions.

"All of it, I guess." I said examining the mirror. "Here help me lift it. We lifted it on her wall.

"What is it?" Hook said lifting away the curtain.

"A mirror. A magic mirror." I said. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, show me the strongest of them all."

A purple swirl was in the mirror. Then a face. "I see 2 powers equal in strength. But simple beings couldn't stand there sight." With that he disappeared.

The door opened "the queen would like to see you." A guard instructed. We walked with him.

Meanwhile in her throne...

"500 gaurds will come with me." The queen instructed as we walked in. I wavered her toward me and we all stepped in a portal.

(Sorry for wait was on vacation

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