chapter 4: game plan

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Once back in the cottage I began to discuss our game plan. "Well first off we are going to need reinforcements."

"I agree this cowardly band of misfits could never do against the power we are fighting!" Maleficent agreed.

"What kind of reinforcements do we need?" Asked the queen as if she had a solution.

"Well I am sure that Merlin will have the armies of Camelot to back him up." I stated.

"Yes and don't forget about the sword. It alone could destroy an army!" Maleficent said a worried tent to her voice.

"Wait the sword in the stone, king Arthur, Merlin it's all true?" Asked cruella recalling a book from her child hood.

"Yes, they are. Is that the weirdest thing you've learned today?" Stated Ursula as cruella shrugged in agreement.

"So, it is an army you seek?" The queen questioned once more with a solution. "I have one, take me to them they will do as I say!"

"Very well, but even then we will be short handed!" Maleficent stated once more worried.

"I will get an army of the dead. They can fight with uncharted armor!" I said.

"I can have an entire army of pirates" hook said looking scared to speak. Everyone looked at him as if they had forgotten he was there, then returned to the conversation.

"I hear tales of a great power bound to a lamp inside a cave." Maleficent said. "I can find it and we can use it!"

"Then it is done. I will take hook and the queen, you will take Ursula and cruella." I said to maleficent firmly as I handed each of them except maleficent a portal device.

"What is this?" Questioned cruella holding up the device which looked like a 🔫.

"You put in places, pull the trigger, and boom a portal pops out." I explained.

So we were on our way my team and I first visited my master to tell him the plan and then we ventured to the kingdom of the queen. Maleficent and her squad would venture to a wonderful cave and hopefully find no trouble. Hopefully no one does... Ha, hopefully, that is......

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