chapter 2: The evil in the Nothing

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(the something is a bright, green and life filled place and the nothing is right next to it and is like the black room with black water in stranger things except there are black bridges and if you fall in water you turn into a spirit trapped in the water. Kinda like the river in the underworld but not quite.)
"UGGGGHHHH" exclaimed cruella when she fell while the rest of us leped about a half afoot to the ground from the portal. "What, the hell was that!?!"

"I do believe the word your looking for is portal!" I replied with a 😏.

"Duh, I knew that,"she lied." But where does it come from?"

"Magic, you fool." The evil queen interpoted with frustration in her breathe.

"Magic, it really exists? I thought it to be a myth." Cruella stated in confusion.

"What time period is she from exactly?" The queen asked glancing at me for an answer.

"She is from a time after magic, a time of pure machine."I answered to avoid more aggervation. "It hardly exists in her mind."

"All that asside, where are we?" Asked Ursula.

"We are in a place between time and space, between the 3 realms of life, It is called the Something. You see here at any given time if you wield just the slightest bit of magic you can open a portal to any place at anytime." I explained. "It is also the only way to and from places like hell before and after life. But most importantly it is the only place my master can survive outside his realm."

"What master do you serve?" Shang said raising his sword to my throat.

"An evil in which u have never dreamed."

"I like the sound of that" cruella said lighting her 🚬.

Shang let off my neck, "Wow, you guys really have a thing for throats don't you?"


*On the edge of something and nothing*

"Why are we here?"asked Shang

"To see my master. He's the one who is going to get you revenge." I said. Stepping into a large ing of a dark black cave. The inside was half sand half pitch black water and right in the center of those 2 was a large blue glowing doorway. Everyone else stayed outside in the something. "Master?" I said speaking to the door as I bowed. "I have brought you whome you have asked."

"Show me!" Came a loud deep voice from the door.

I walked to the opening of the cave. " Come in master wishes to see you." I stated to the villains.

"And if we don't wish to see him?" Cruella asked with an almost sarcastic but still frustrated tone to her voice.

"Then you will not get yo-"

"Revenge?" The queen asked annoyed at his repetitive speech. "Yeah your gonna have to give a little mor-"

"DEATH! You will get death" called the voice from inside the cave. The words froze each of them for a moment but in her selfish ways, of course, cruella was first into the cave. Then along followed the rest one by one.

"What is it you wish of us?" Shang asked.

"You will destroy ' The Wiz-" the voice called until interrupted.

A sudden burst of green fire-like energy in the far out distance of Nothing. The energy, after many seconds that felt like hours, finally began to fade and out emerged a great evil worse than them each combined. It had horns and seamed at that moment to have arm-like wings...

The evil began to step, it slowly gained speed as it got closer and closer until finally it became close enough you could make out everything up to her neck. A scepter, a cloke, and a crow sitting about her shoulder.
"What is this?" Spoke the creature now obviously some kind of women, "you said I would be given fighters evil as can be, these are simply people and fish." Ursula gulped.

"These are the worst villains of all time, if they won't do nothing will and if nothing will then you WON'T BREATHE!" Shouted the voice behind the door as blue fire shot from the corners.

"I'll make do. If I get what I want."

"Of course I may be evil but I do have honor."

"Ok master we'll return when it's done." I said in fear.

"AND no time before" shouted my master as we all walked away asking no further questions!

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