chapter 1: the beginning (part 2)

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(imagine this as like a montage in a movie)
Evil queen: STRIKE. Lightning struck the ledge above. A piece broke off and with it came a woman and a bolder. The woman landed much older than expected. After she landed she turned herself young with a puff of blue smoke. Then again unexpectedly she held the boulder with her mind, until 2 vultures arrived on the ground, she then dropped the boulder on them and with a squeek they were gone.

"Who are you?" She asked creating a ball of fire in her palm.

"We are here for you to get your revenge on snow white and those pesky dwarfs. In order to get what you deserve you must first destroy one tiny little person for me." I replied as she raised the fire as if to throw it. "Ok wait you will be given more power and anything your dreams could bring you."

The fire in her hand disappeared in a puff of blue smoke. "Let's go, what are we waiting for?" I opened a portal and we stepped through....

Ursula: 3 hours past and still nothing but the horizon marking the spot between water and sky.

"Ugggghhhh. We have been waiting here for 3 hours now, what are u waiting for?"the evil queen questioned eagerly.

"We, are waiting on one of the most powerful being of this time."I replied in aggervation. "A-and how do you know anything about hours and time the clock comes years after you?"

"I'm a witch, remember. I can see the future. Isn't that the hole reason you need me. Besides, you said she was the most powerful of THIS time, what does that make me most powerful of them all?"

"No. Her power actually makes you look like a teddy bear 🐻."I answered and she ready a fire ball in her hand.We want on rambling for about 20 min until suddenly Shan interpoted..

"I WISH YOU WOULD BOTH SHUT UP!" He then pushed us into the water.

"Ughghghgh" a large, wounded, creature rose from the water rapping it's octopus like tenticals around our necks "WHY, must you idiots argue at a time like this? A very important woman has just lost everything, including her digestive system, to a Percy pink mermaid princess and her imbecilion lover!" She exclaimed.she dropped us
"Huh, madam Ursula we have come to bring your revenge"...
(I think you know the rest)
(Hooks part will take place directly after Peter pan return to Neverland)
(Cue the montage)

Hook: Ursula, once healed, swam after and killed a giant octopus chasing a crew of pirates. Once dead the octopus sunk to the sea floor. It took some convinceing but eventually hook agreed to come with us so he could get away from the tick tock crock and to hopefully have revenge on the meddling brat and his ex-girlfriends child, turned new girlfriend. Again I opened a portal and...

Cruella: We found ourselves in London in the late 50s. And well, this time around the villain truly believed she hadn't quite lost yet. For, as she argued, they couldn't keep them all. We know different but that isn't the point I had to bring master his champions. So in the end I told her she would be given power like no other and not the type that money can bring, no she already had that. But the kind that could bring all the puppies and there owners to there knees.

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