Chapter 21

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It was almost the end of the school year. It was February 24 when I woke up to feeling something wet under me. That's when it hit me, my water broke. 

"Mattheo wake your fat ass up now" I screamed so loud. he rolled over looking at me with a smile like it was another day. 

"Why are you looking at me like that" He looked confused as ever.

"Maybe because my bloody water broke" With those words he shot up out of bed grabbing the bag we packed. 

He helped me out of the bed before helping me downstairs to tell Narcissa and Draco. Narcissa helped me right now saying that she will take me to the hospital with Mattheo while Draco go gets the group. 

We got there; I was fighting Mattheo about the pain I was going through when I started to give birth. After many many long minutes of pushing I finally gave birth to our beautiful girl, Prim Jane Riddle. 

They cleaned her off and gave her to me. I was still sweating but was happy to hold my baby girl finally after 9 months of carrying her.

"Well hello Prim" I look at her with tears in my eyes as Mattheo talked to her.

"You look so much like your dad" I look at her, she has dark brown hair just like her father. But when she opened her eyes, you saw my dark blue eyes. She was truly beautiful. 

After a while of holding her, I gave her to Mattheo to hold as everyone came into the room to see how Prim and I was. Everyone got the chance to hold her before I got her back with Mattheo sitting on the side of me. Everyone was sitting around the room looking at us three. 

"I'm lucky to have two beautiful girls in my life, I will protect you guys no matter what." I look at Mattheo as he gave Prim a kiss on the head then me. 

"And I'm lucky to have a great family of my own now and my amazing friends." I look around at everyone who was smiling or crying, which was Miranda, Luna, and Narcissa. 

(Word Count: 367)

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