Chapter 15

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I looked down at the test to see two lines. It was positive, I looked up at the two girls with tears in my eyes. I sat down on the side of the tube still looking at it. Luna walked over and took the test out of my hands. 

"Holy- Pansy come look at this" I heard Pansy come closer to Luna and me. 

"Bloody hell Y/N, you got to tell Mattheo" I felt her eyes on me. 

"You don't think I know that Pansy" I spat at her. 

"Sorry I just don't know how to feel about this whole thing" I look at her with regret in my eyes. 

"Your fine Y/N I know this is hard for you" She have me a soft smile knowing she meant it. 

"Y/N I think you should go to sleep and tomorrow you can talk to Mattheo and tell Miranda everything." Luna helped me up as she talked to me.

"Ok. Thank you, guys, for everything I will see you guys' tomorrow morning" I gave them a smile, wiping the tears that were on my cheek. 

With that Luna walked out of my room back to her own while I went to lay in bed. Pansy gave me a sympathy look before getting in her own bed. I was stuck in my thoughts for half of the night till I cried myself too asleep finally. I was woken up to someone pushing hair out of my face. I open my eyes to see Matheos handsome face, he gave me a soft smile before giving me a kiss. I smile and kiss back after pulling away I moved over for him to lay down with me. We layed cuddling in silence for a while till everything from last night hit me. I'm carrying his baby and I have to tell him. I sat up turning my whole body to face him. 

"What's wrong darling?" he sat up also looking at me. 

"Um I have to tell you something serious" I look down at my hands scared. 

"Don't tell me you're in love with another man" He laughed a little. 

"No no " I shook my head giggling a little bit. How could he ever think that. 

"Then go on tell me" He lifted his chin making me look at him.

"Look Mattheo um I'm pregnant with your child" I looked him straight in the eyes as the words fell out of my mouth. He looked shocked and scared more than ever as his hand fell from my chin. 

"Y/N your joking, right?" His eyes connected to mine. 

I shook my head no, scared,not wanting to say anymore words. He stood up standing on the side of my bed looking down at me. 

"When did you find out?" He looked like he was staring to get mad almost.

"Last night" I looked down scared to even look at his face anymore.

"Bloody hell" I looked up at him as he was running his hands through his hair. 

"I should have never slept with someone like you" and with that he started to walk out of my room. 

"Are you fucking kidding me Mattheo? I'm carrying your child and now you regret sleeping with me. Where was this when you threw me against your bed or when you told me to keep screaming your name?" I yelled the last part at him making him stop in front of the door. He just turned his head at me and stared. 

"Mattheo, you were in love with me." I said quietly as tears were brimming my eyes. 

"I never truly was, was I?" with those words coming from him he walked out of my dorm slamming the door behind him. I sat there sobbing, I just lost the love of my life, my best friend, and the dad of my child. 

After crying for most of the day I saw that lunch was starting. I decide that I needed to eat, so I got up and got ready. I was walking down the hall to the dining hall when I ran into Miranda. I ran up to her and tapped on her shoulder making her stop and turn to me. 

"Oh, hey Y/N I was just looking for you" She had the biggest smile on her face till she notices my face.

"Hey, you look like you have been crying what happened?" she grabbed both of my shoulders making me look at her face. 

"Um that's what I wanted to also talk to you about" I gave her a small smile. 

"Well let's both say our news on three. 1....2....3" On three both of us saying out news

"Theo proposed to me." 

"I'm pregnant" 

After our words to each other we both went eye wide, looking at each other in shook.  

"I'm so happy for you, but aren't you a little too young for that?" I gave her a half smile. I only wanted what was best for her and getting married right now did not seem like that. 

"I really love him, Y/n. So, it doesn't matter. And for you I'm so freaking excited to meet him or her already, I'm going to be an aunt." She started to smile and jump around, giggling.

"Did you tell Mattheo?" She looked at me with hope in her eyes that it was going to be good news.

"Yes, but um he told me... he regrets sleeping with me and uh he never loved me. which made him walk out on me" I look down at my feet trying to stop the tears from coming out of my eyes. 

"Oh my god Y/N I'm so sorry. He's an asshole for not wanting to be in you or the baby's life." She pulled me into a hug which made the tears come out. 

"Did you tell anyone about you and Theo?" I pulled away from the hug. 

"Yea you were the last one I told" She gave me a little sorry smile. Normally that would have hurt me as I'm her older cousin but right now I was in my own pain. 

"What about you? Does the group know?" 

"Everyone beside the boy's" I let out a small sign. 

"Well then let's go tell them" Before I could say no she grabbed my hand leading me to the dining hall to where our group was sitting.

We sat down with her on my one side and Pansy on the other. All the boys were in front of us with Mattheo on the far end of all of them. 

"Y/N did you hear about Miranda and Theo's news?" Draco looked at me all happy.

"Um yea I did, It's great news. Congrats Theo. Take care of my baby cousin please." I put my head down not wanting anyone to see how swollen my face was from crying. 

"Thanks Y/N means a lot that you can support us." Theo gave me a huge smile. This was the happiest I've ever seen him beside when he first met Miranda. 

After a while of eating Miranda finally said something to all of the boy's that got my attention. 


Another cliffhanger

Hope everyone is enjoying the story as I am. 

(Word Count: 1209)

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