Chapter 13

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Finally, more than halfway through my fifth year at Hogwarts. Lots of this year contained studying for most classes or taking the test we studied for. Personally, it was all too much for me but finally the school year was going to be done in only 2 weeks. 

I was currently in the common room with the friend group cuddling up with Mattheo after just waking up. Miranda soon walked in and sat with Theo before waving and smiling at me. I was sitting there when I felt a weird feeling in my stomach and throat. I knew just what this feeling was, growing up in my house it happened a lot to me, trying to make myself throw up to lose weight. I ran upstairs to my dorm straight to the bathroom with everyone calling my name and someone behind my tail. 

As soon as I got to the bathroom I sat down on my knees in front of the toilet. Before I could throw up, I felt someone grab my hair and pull it back for me. After throwing up I felt so much better, like I was never sick. I look up to see who got my hair for me, I turn to look into Mattheo eyes that has concern written all over his face. 

"Love, what happened? Are you alright?" Mattheo was talking fast as soon as I looked over at him. 

I stood up walking over to the sink washing my mouth out with water and turning back over to face Mattheo. I pulled myself onto the top of the counter, Mattheo soon walking over to me to stand in-between my legs. 

"I'm fine now lover, I don't know what happened" I grab his face to relax him. 

"You promise me?" He put his pinky out for me to take it. 

"Promise" Taking his pinky into mine before kissing the end of our hands to lock the pinky promise in. 

We walk back down hand and hand to the common room where the others were still sitting and talking. 

"Olivia you alright?" I look over at Draco before answering his question. 

"Better now" I gave him a light smile before sitting down with Mattheo. 

"What happened?" Miranda face was covered with concern.

"Just threw up a bit" I looked over at her hoping the concern would go away on her face. 

We all went back to talking normal about whatever and having a good time together before the school year finally ends. Which today was our very last Saturday together, it was the worst feeling knowing that this is all coming to an end. I did find out some good news though, I get to live with the Malfoys till I'm on my own feet and find a job and an apartment for myself and Mattheo after my last year next year. It's all him and I talk about, what kinds of houses or apartments do we want. It truly does make me happy knowing I found someone so great to love me for me.

(Word Count: 523)

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