Chapter 2

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"You know Olivia I only mess with you because of the things you do to me. " My eyes widened so fast. I was so confused what he meant. 

 "What do you mean by that? I don't do anything to you on purpose" I spoke fast due to my heart racing at how close our faces were. He let out a scoff before taking a drink from his cup and then coming back down to my ear. 

"I mean looking like that does something to me " he said backing up to look me up and down. I turn red by the comment but luckily, it's dark and lights are flashing to the point he won't see it. 

"Oh, come on Mattheo I do something to you?" I raised an eyebrow before getting close to him. 

All this was new to me, I mean I flirted and slept with people before but never someone I'm in the same friend group with. I've never thought of Mattheo like this before but right now the things that are running through my head, the things I want him to do to me. 

 "I mean fuck look at you right now" I scoff at his comment and look away not knowing what to say.

 I mean I won't lie to myself I do find him very attractive in this situation right now. Before my thoughts could get any dirtier, we were interrupted by Theo coming up to us. 

 "You look quite gorgeous tonight Olivia" He looked down at me and smiled.

 "Well thank you very much Theo, you look quite handsome " I looked up, smiling at him. Knowing he just saved me from whatever was about to happen between Mattheo and me. 

"Would you like to go dance with me?" Theo put out a hand for me to take. 

 "I would love to" As I took Theo's hand to lead me to the dance floor, I look back to see Mattheo. I've never seen him so angry, beside once when this fourth year said something about him dead father. That poor fourth years nose. 

As we approached the dance floor the song "Into it" by Chase Atlantic started to play. Have to say this song brings out the crazy in everyone at parties. I look around at people grinding on their boyfriends/girlfriends or just people they met here. Which was not the case for me, I have known Theo for a long while now and have to say he's my favorite boy best friend. That's just because I can go to him for anything, and he will help, so grinding on him was no problem for me, as we've done it before. 

As I start to grind, I feel his hands go to my hips to guide my body on his. I turned around to face him as I was grinding on his knee that was in between my legs. I look past him to see a very pissed off Mattheo coming our way. Next thing I know I'm being pulled off Theo and being thrown over a pair of shoulders. I hold my dress down so no one can see up it as Mattheo is walking through the dance floor to the stairs. Heads began to turn and stare at us. I began to beat on his back as no one was around now. 

"Put me down you dick" I beat harder on his back. 

 As we got up the stairs I'm thrown onto a bed. I look around to see it's my dorm room. I sat up to look at Mattheo who is panting and runs his hands through his hair. He looked at me before pacing the room. 

"What was that for I was having fun?" I gave him an innocent look. I knew I was pissing him off and I loved it. This is revenge for being so rude to me for the past year. 

 "Oh, come on you were grinding on Theo to make me pissed off" He looked down at me still panting. 

"You don't know that I could have done it for myself. I've known Theo for years compared to you." I looked up at him smirking more than ever.

 "Ok, so you rather grind on him then me?" I looked at him shocked that he even said that. I didn't say anything not knowing what to say to that. Next thing I know he shoves me down on my bed hovering over me, my eyes widened. 

"You're going to be mine. I don't give a fuck what anyone else says." He looked me right in my eyes. 

After those words left his mouth, he got up and walked out, slamming the door behind him. Leaving me in shock. I sat up again and thought for a second. 

Maybe I did want him the way he wanted me. He's lucky I will try. 

(Word Count: 820)

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