34 | baby

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AS A child, Sen liked to watch the teenagers giggling behind their hair, re-touching their nails between shifts. When they noticed her spying, they'd wave her over to join them, wide-eyed and wicked, as if nail polish was contraband.

She dreamt that Kotaro painted her nails blue. They shone like crystals.

Sen inexplicably woke up at four in the morning, the sharp scent of nail polish still lingering in her nose. She passed it off as a remnant of her dream, but a pair of hushed voices in the bathroom countered that thought.

"See, if you angle the brush like this—"

A sigh. "It feels so different with my non-dominant hand."

Maybe Sen was still dreaming. Who was Mai willingly talking to?

She sneered at Kotaro's empty bed, and at the empty space by the door where his boots were supposed to be. Yes, leave Sen with all the problems. Where was that rat bastard going at four in the morning? 

One thing at a time, Sen reminded herself, looking at the bathroom door. 

"Mai," she called out groggily, rolling out of bed. "If you're awake enough to paint nails, you're awake enough to practice Zetsu. It needs work."

Sen shoved the bathroom door open, wincing at the sudden onslaught of light.

"Tch," she hissed. "Why do all hotel bathrooms have lights like this?"

When her eyes adjusted to the atrociously bright light, she concluded that she was asleep. That was the only explanation as to why she was watching her sister and Kalluto Zoldyck painting their nails by the sink. 

"Good morning, Oneechan," said Mai, turning back to Kalluto's nails.

Kalluto's voice was barely a decibel above a whisper. "Hello, Sen."

"Hi, hon," she greeted. "Didn't know you were here."

Sen stared at the toilet, dazed, waiting for a red flag to pop up in her brain. It never did. 

"Where's the asshole?" Sen gestured out into the room. "Did Kotaro feed you, at least? Did he say hello to Kalluto or did he just brood his way out the door?"

The young assassin didn't seem to know how to respond. Mai, on the other hand, was used to her blunt brazenness.

"There's a note on the nightstand, but I didn't read it," she responded, painting Kalluto's left pinkie. "Leftovers are in the fridge, but the microwave would've woken you up. Yes, Kotaro said hello to Kalluto. He was the one who let them in."

Sen drummed her fingers against her collarbone, processing the explanation.

"Fine," she exhaled, not finding any holes in Mai's explanation. "I'll heat something up for you two. Make sure to eat a gummy vitamin."

"'Kay!" Mai called out. 

Kalluto remained quiet. 

Knowing there was no more sleep to be found in her future, Sen switched the lamp on. A note rested on the nightstand, just like Mai said.


Won't be back until 12. Have Mai practice Zetsu. I'll be with you to work on Moon Blade tonight.

Keep an eye on Kal.

- K

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