32 | seed

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tw: descriptions of violence and injury (it's mai unfortunately), but not life-threatening

KOTARO WANTED to work one-on-one with Mai in Nen basics, giving Sen the early morning off. In his words, it would've been redundant for Sen to stay because of her proficiency. Redundant. What a big word.

She was due back at the hotel by 10:30. 

A clock with a grime-encrusted face told her it was only 7:02. 

Sen was tucked in the corner booth of a tiny diner, sipping on what the menu called a 'Mixed Berry Breakfast Smoothie'. It was crap. She could tell the ratio of blueberries to strawberries was too large, and the ice chunks weren't gaining any brownie points.

Sen sighed deeply, sinking down in the worn pleather bench. The smoothie's chill should've gotten to her already, but Sen was bundled in three of Kotaro's old sweatshirts. She was invincible.

The diner's owner, a woman with a pale, wan face, kept shooting suspicious looks her way. 

Keep looking, Granny. You're not interesting enough for me to terrorize.

Back to the actual problem. What was Sen supposed to do with herself for three hours?

The door opened, letting in a waft of cold air. She cringed away from it.

"Sen-chan!" A familiar, sunny voice exclaimed. "There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!"

Gon beelined for her booth. Killua lurked at his heels like a stray cat.

"Hi," she greeted around her straw, watching as the empty bench across from her became occupied.

"It's so nice to see you again," Gon leaned forward eagerly. "Thank you for the gummy vitamins!"

"Mm-hmm," Sen acknowledged. The cold weather was making her sleepy.

"Did you run away from your brother or something?" Killua cocked a brow. "You're supposed to be training."

"I got kicked out," she said. "I'm supposed to go back in a few hours."

"Train with us until then!" Gon clapped his hands together. "Killua and I are going over to Wing's place after we eat. Sen-chan, come!"

Too bright, she thought.

Sen was saved from a sunburn when a waitress came by to take Gon and Killua's orders. 

On the other side of the diner, a mother hushed her fussing baby. 

She hoped Kotaro wasn't being too hard on Mai; she wasn't a quick study like Sen. She wondered how the triplets were doing with only Kalani watching them. Kalani. Her due date was approaching rapidly. 

Sen kind of hated that she wasn't going to be there to help with the birth.

Something kicked her shin under the table. 

Startled from her thoughts, she met Killua's gaze. His pale brows were furrowed.

It was funny, how he could be as much of a worrywart as her. Last night, Killua insisted on walking Sen back to her hotel, in case she ran into any more dogs. She'd blushed the whole time, grateful for the cover of nighttime and her russet skin.

She smiled slightly at Killua, hoping to dispel his concerns.

His brows furrowed more. "Oi. Finish your smoothie."

She made a face. "It's gross."

Killua dragged the glass over to his side, taking a long slurp from the smoothie. He smacked his lips, looking up in thought.

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