"Yep~" Kokichi popped out from Rantaro's dorm. "I had it. But you can't watch it unless you watch all of them." 

"Is that so?" Rantaro shrugged. "Well alright then. Let me just put these books away." 

As Rantaro entered his dorm Ryoma looked at Kokichi. "That whole thing about not being able to watch our own until we watch all of them better not apply to me too." 

"No, it does! You started this with me so you better see it through to the end~" 

"Wha-" Ryoma started. "That was not part of the deal." 

"You'll still be able to watch your video calm down~ I just think that the others would be more inclined to watch all of them if there are more people who watched all of them ya know?" Kokichi's expression darkened a bit. "Besides. I'm the one lock picking all of these dorms.  You wouldn't even be able to get your hands on it if it weren't for me." 

"That's enough." You interjected. "You should've been upfront with Ryoma about this before." 

"Maybe~" The lighthearted tone immediately entered his voice again. "It's just a slight detour from the original plans. Surely it's not that much of an inconvenience." 

Ryoma moved his hat down a bit. "Whatever. I've got a ways to go since I didn't clear this up beforehand." 

Luckily, before the mood could become any tenser, Rantaro stepped out of his dorm. "Alright let's go then?" He then walked over to you. "Oh, (Y/N). Let me carry the videos for you, just focus on writing who has what." 

You blinked a bit in surprise but handed the videos over anyway. "Oh, thanks." 

"Playboy." Kokichi muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. 

Rantaro laughed, "I'm not a playboy. It's called being a nice person. I wasn't about to make (Y/N) write and carry videos. One day when you're older you'll understand Kokichi." 

"We are practically the same age!" 

Rantaro hummed. "Oh yeah. Then act like it~" 

Ryoma chuckled at that, "Rantaro's got a point." Kokichi simply pouted in annoyance and made his way to the next dorm.

"He's such a kid." Rantaro commented as you all followed Kokichi. 

You nodded, "You're pretty good at dealing with him though." 

"Hmmm? You think so?" Rantaro shrugged. "I had a few younger siblings and he's kinda like that so I suppose." 

Kokichi grabbed two more motive videos. It turns out that Maki had Kirumi's this time around, and Angie had Tenko's. 

"Still not finding mine...?" Ryoma muttered. "Guess it really is one of the last two." 

"Well first up is our robo-boy~" Kokichi laughed, "We haven't found his either, wouldn't it be funny if the robot got his own too?" 

Kokichi entered, and quickly came back laughing. "Wow! I was right! He got his own and he was so against sharing~"

"Or it's because he saw his own that he's so against sharing..." You muttered, now the fact that Keebo was quicker to jump when Gonta almost said the name this time around makes sense. 

"That means Kaito has mine though..." As Ryoma says that, it makes a lot more sense why Kaito still refused to give him the video despite hearing Ryoma's real reasoning. Moments later, Kokichi confirmed that statement. "...Well I guess we have all of them now." 

"Now I guess we watch them all huh?" Rantaro hummed. "Well, no point in watching it out here. We can head into my room I guess." Rantaro walked to his room quickly and opened the door.

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