Chapter 2: Six Pints and the Blue Stuff

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It took Saul three days before he brought up the party to Becca and, to his surprise, she had no qualms about going. In fact, she was excited. She actually tore her eyes away from her computer as she sat at a desk in their study, and talked to him, clearly delighted. It was a welcome change since, lately, anything was a fuse waiting to be lit—a word, a stare, an object. So, for her to be genuinely interested, to ask what it would be like, who would be there (will the Queen?), was so far from Saul's expectations, he didn't at first know how to deal with it.

Then she asked who else was going and, without thinking about it, he just said Dawn. This made her pause. The grin on her face didn't disappear all at once, but she did repeat the name so he could confirm it. Then she said, "Oh," before she twisted in her seat again to look at her screen and began typing away.

He had no idea why the mention of Dawn should draw such a reaction. As far as he knew, they only met once or twice at a school function or other, and while they didn't become best buds, he didn't see any bad blood brewing between them. He supposed the right thing for him to do now was ask. But he was tired and this may very well be the thing that sets her off, so he went to the bedroom instead, and read a book until his mind drifted and it was time for him to sleep. He didn't know when she went to bed, probably past midnight.

He had forgotten about it the next day, not until it was after school and he was on his way to Ben just to check in, only to find Dawn exiting the greenhouse. He slowed his walk, waiting for her to notice him and thinking how best to ask about Becca that would result in getting an answer, before concluding that no careful phrasing would get him there. She didn't notice him anyway, her head bowed down all the while, her pace neutral as she continued to look at something in her hand, fascinated. He tried to see what it was, but all he could glimmer was that it was small and blue. Then she must have heard his footsteps or noticed him in her periphery because she finally looked up and, for some reason, pocketed the thing in her hand as though he was about to snatch it from her.

"Mr. Silva," she said when they were near enough.

He tipped his head and gave a small salute. "Dawn."

And that was that. They passed each other without incident. He wasn't feeling petty today and he thought it might be good form to keep the peace since they were the only ones in the faculty about to be subjected to the no doubt dreary royal dinner party. But somehow, he found himself looking back at her, stopping in his steps and then asking, "What was that?"

She stopped and half turned to him, eyebrows drawn together. "What?"

"The thing in your pocket."

She dismissed this with, "Ask Ben," before attempting to resume her walk.

"Oh, you think he won't tell me?"

"He will."

"Couldn't tell me yourself?"

"I don't have the patience." With that she took a step away from him.

"Okay, but please don't call my friends by their first names."

She paused, looking at him with an amused smile. "He's my friend too."

"He's my friend first."

"Well, he told me to call him Ben. So..." She shrugged then was finally able walk away.

He licked his lips, watching her departing back a second, before himself going to the greenhouse. Maybe she was just happy she got the last word in, but he thought there was a twinkle in her eye just as she left. Was she in a good mood? Around him? Well, she didn't say anything snarky, so maybe. But again, around him?

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